The Senate Majority PAC has produced an ad which misrepresents Michigan’s U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land by deceitfully citing Right to Life of Michigan. The ad falsely states that Terri Lynn Land wants to outlaw common forms of birth control.
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “I want to set the record straight. Right to Life of Michigan does not have a position on contraception. It is reprehensible to cite Right to Life of Michigan in a deceptive political ad as the source of Terri Lynn Land’s position on an issue in which we are not involved.”
Right to Life of Michigan was never contacted by the Senate Majority PAC regarding our endorsement criteria or our policies as an organization.
The Right to Life of Michigan PAC, which has endorsed Terri Lynn Land for the U.S. Senate, does not consider the issue of birth control when making endorsements of candidates. Right to Life of Michigan is focused on abortion, infanticide and assisted suicide.
Terri Lynn Land’s opponent, Rep. Gary Peters and his allies, cannot defend Peters’ radical pro-abortion position which includes support for partial-birth abortion, sex-selection abortions and tax funded abortions. Because of Gary Peters’ extreme position in support of abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, he has tried to attack Terri Lynn Land by misrepresenting her.
Listing said, “For those looking for the truth about candidates, consider the source. It is clear the Senate Majority PAC cannot be trusted.”