A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:32 p.m. on Monday, June 22, 2015, in the township board room.
Members Present: Brian Werschem, Supervisor; Carol Hulka, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustee Ron Becklin, Dave Markgraf, Marjorie Nash and Chuck Whitlow. Members Absent: None
At 7:00 p.m., the Supervisor opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed with a prayer.
Also Present: 3-employees; 2-residents, Deputy Chief Michelli, DPW Director, Farrar, Township Attorney, Bultje, and Muskegon Chronicle reporter, Steve
The meeting minutes of June 8, 2015, regular meeting, were approved as presented.
The meeting agenda for June 22, 2015, was approved as presented.
The Board received the following:
1. Muskegon County Road Commission (MCRC) improvement project for Fruitport and Sullivan
Townships, from Sternberg Road from Brooks Road to Maple Island Road
2. MTA Legislative updates
3. Michigan Liquor Control Commission: received application for a license, as follows: Transfer
ownership and location of 2015 Class C & SDM License of Teddy Spaghettis, LLC, 3032 Heights
Ravenna, Muskegon
4. The Muskegon County Chapter of Michigan Townships Association will meet on June 29, 2015 at
Whitehall Township at 7:00 p.m.
5. Muskegon Area District Library (MADL) discussion
PUBLIC COMMENTS – none received
15-069 Adoption—Zone Change at 2605 W. Fruitport Road
Chuck Whitlow moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to amend the Township’s zoning map by changing the zoning classification from R-4 Rural, Residential Recreation and Agriculture to R-1 Residential District for Parcel Numbers 61-15-630-026-0002-00 (commonly known as 2605 W. Fruitport Road), 61-15-630-026-0005-00, and 61-15-360-023-0006-00, as recommended by the Planning Commission.
At a public hearing on May 19, 2015, the Planning Commission gave the following reasons supporting the zone change-
1. Fits master plan of medium density residential by switching to R-1.
2. Makes the properties less non-confirming.
The zoning amendment Ordinance No. 791 shall be effective eight days after publication in the Muskegon Chronicle. The constitutes the second and final reading.
Ayes: Whitlow, Dillon, Nash, Becklin, Markgraf, Hulka, Werschem Nays: None
15-070 Deputy Chief Michelli’s Review
Chuck Whitlow moved, supported by Ron Becklin, MOTION CARRIED, to accept Deputy Chief Michelli’s performance review per the recommendation from Public Safety Director Doctor, that one year be added to Deputy Chief Michelli’s rolling contract, and also he be given a salary increase of 1.5% retroactive to April 1, 2015, per contract language.
Ayes: Whitlow, Becklin, Nash, Dillon, Hulka, Markgraf, Werschem Nays: None
15-071 Windstream Norlight, LLC Metro Act Extension
Dave Markgraf moved, seconded by Rose Dillon, MOTION CARRIED, to extend the existing Metro Act Permit to Windstream Norlight, LLC for five years contingent on the following:
1. Receiving an updated Certificate of Liability Insurance
2. Provide copies of approval to the individuals listed on Exhibit A of the document
The motion also includes the authorization for the Supervisor to sign the document.
Ayes: Markgraf, Dillon, Nash, Becklin, Whitlow, Hulka, Werschem Nays: None
JUNE 22, 2015
15-072 Payment of Bills
Dave Markgraf moved, Carol Hulka seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills in the following amounts: General Fund (including Parks) $60,401.07; Public Safety $144,915.81; Water $119,821.77;
Sewer $17,423.20 = $342,561.85 Grand Total
Ayes: Markgraf, Hulka, Dillon, Nash, Becklin, Whitlow, Werschem Nays: None
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m.