Fruitport Charter Township Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2016

A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:15 p.m. on Monday, January 25, 2016, in the township board room.

Members Present:  Brian Werschem, Supervisor; Carol Hulka, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Ron Beck and Marjorie Nash

Members Absent:  Trustee Dave Markgraf and Trustee Chuck Whitlow–excused

At 7:05 p.m., Supervisor Werschem opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.

Also Present:   0– residents;   0–guests; 0–employees;   DPW Director, Farrar;  Public Safety Director, Doctor and Deputy Fire Chief, Michelli

The December 14, 2015 meeting minutes—regular meeting—were approved as presented.

The January 25, 2016 meeting agenda was approved as presented

1)  Michigan Townships Association (MTA) legislative up-dates
2)  Fruitport Township Parks & Recreation meeting minutes of August 25th
3) Notice of Hearing—DTE Gas Company.  DTE requests Michigan Public Service Commission approval to increase its annual natural gas distribution revenues.  A typical residential customer’s average natural gas distribution bill may increase by about $7.63 per month.
4) Notice of  Hearing—Michigan Gas Utilities.  Michigan Gas Utilities requests Michigan Public Service Commission approval to implement a gas cost recovery plan to compute its natural gas customers’ bills.
5) Fruitport Drinking Water, Lead Information Sheet, supplied by Matt Farrar, Fruitport Township Utility Director



16-001  Purchase of Police Vehicles
2016-2017 is the year to cycle out old police vehicles and bring in new replacement vehicles.

Ron Becklin  moved, supported by Marjorie Nash, MOTION CARRIED, to authorize the purchase of three police cruisers and one police SUV from Borgman Ford Motor Leasing and dispose of the three older cruisers in form of a trade-in when the new cruisers come in.   The recommendation came from the Public Safety Committee, Chief Doctor, and Supervisor Werschem.

Ayes:  Becklin, Nash, Dillon, Hulka, Werschem
Nays: None

16-002  Revision of Cemetery Rates for Pine Hill Cemetery, Fruitport Township
Discussion took place on revision of cemetery rates for Pine Hill Cemetery as prices have not been increased since 1998.  This constitutes the first reading.  Final action will be taken at the February 8, 2016 board meeting.

16-003  Budget Adjustments
Carol Hulka moved, Ron Becklin seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the budget adjustments as presented.

Ayes:  Hulka, Becklin, Nash, Dillon, Werschem
Nays:  None

16-004  Retirement Request from Public Safety Director, Ken Doctor
The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Ron Becklin, was carried unanimously, to accept the retirement of Ken Doctor as Public Safety Director, effective end of business day February 12, 2016.

16-005  Public Safety Director
With the retirement of Ken Doctor as Public Safety Director, discussion lead to Deputy Chief Michelli, who has been in training for several years as the next Public Safety Director for the Township.

Ron Becklin moved, supported by Rose Dillon, MOTION CARRIED, to authorize the Supervisor to negotiate a potential contract with Deputy Chief Michelli and present it as a possible contract for approval at the February 8, 2016 board meeting, with the effective date of the contract being February 15, 2016.  The recommendation came from the Public Safety Committee and Supervisor Werschem.

Ayes:  Becklin, Dillon, Nash, Hulka, Werschem
Nays:  None

16-006  Vacancy in Fire Department
In the event that Deputy Chief Michelli accepts a contract as the next Public Safety Director, this will create a vacancy in the fire department.

Rose Dillon moved, seconded by Ron Becklin, MOTION CARRIED, to (1) promote a Battalion Chief from within the fire department and present a candidate and (2) authorize the fire department to do an internal posting to the paid on call firefighters to fill a full time fire fighter vacancy.  The promotion and candidate are to be presented at February 8th meeting.

Ayes:  Dillon, Becklin, Nash, Hulka, Werschem
Nays:  None

16-007  Public Safety Millage Renewals
Marjorie Nash moved,  supported by Carol Hulka,  MOTION CARRIED, to request the County Clerk to place the following two millage propositions on the May 3, 2016 Election ballot.

Shall a renewal of the present voter-approved increase in the statutory limitation on taxes levied on all property in the township be approved in the amount of 1.5 mills ($1.50 per $1,000) on the taxable values for a five year period with the levy to commence on December 1, 2016, to provide police and fire protection services? The Township estimates that it would receive approximately $664,568.00 each year.  This proposed millage is a renewal of an existing millage.

Shall a renewal of the present voter-approved increase in the statutory limitation on taxes levied on all property in the township be approved in the amount of 1 mill (1.00 per $1,000) on the taxable values for a five year period with the levy to commence on December 1, 2016, to provide police protection services and maintaining the Township police department?  The Township estimates that it would receive approximately $443,045.00 each year.  This proposed millage is a renewal of an existing millage.

Ayes: Nash, Hulka, Dillon, Becklin, Werschem
Nays:  None

16-008  Public Works Ordinance Update
Ron Becklin moved, seconded by Rose Dillon, MOTION CARRIED, for the adoption of the Revised WATER Rate Resolution and the Revised SEWER Rate Resolution that will establish various water system charges and fees which are authorized by the Fruitport Charter Township Water System and Administration Ordinance.

Ayes: Becklin, Dillon, Hulka, Nash, Werschem
Nays: None

16-009  MADL Agreement
Rose Dillon moved, Ron Becklin supported, MOTION CARRIED, for the adoption of the Intergovernmental Agreement and authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to execute the Agreement.  The Agreement is entered into by the Village of Fruitport, the Charter Township of Fruitport, the Muskegon Area District Library, the Clerk of Muskegon County, and the County of Muskegon.

Ayes: Dillon, Becklin, Nash, Hulka, Werschem
Nays: None

16-010  2016-2017 Budget
Discussion took place on the 2016-2017 Budget.  The Truth in Taxation hearing will tentatively take place at the meeting held on February 22, 2016, with adoption of the budget on March 14, 2016.

16-011  Reappointments on Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals
The motion by Rose Dillon, seconded by Carol Hulka, was carried unanimously, to reappoint the following positions:
Jeff Jacobs to another 3-year term on Planning Commission
John Winskas to another 3-year term on Zoning Board of Appeals
Joe DeMarco to another 3-year term on Zoning Board of Appeals

16-012  Payment of Bills
Marjorie Nash  moved, seconded by Carol Hulka, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills for payment in the following amounts:   General Fund & Parks: $62,029.25;  Public Safety 63,224.21$  Water: $19,167.73; and Sewer: $3,639.00        Total:  $148,060.19

Ayes:  Nash, Hulka, Becklin, Dillon, Werschem
Nays:  None


ADJOURNMENT:  At 7:22  p.m.