The school wants the taxpayers to pay over 40 million dollars to tear down part of the high school and rebuild it differently.
It doesn’t make sense to me and reminds me of other recent millage efforts put forward by the administration’s hand picked committee.
Don’t be deluded into believing that this millage will give your child a better education. New buildings do not translate to better education. Some of the schools with the oldest buildings (North Muskegon and Catholic Central) provide very good education. Muskegon Heights with some of the newest buildings don’t do as good.
They are saying that this is for Fruitport’s future. What does that mean? More taxes for the future? It seems people representing education would be able to make a statement that could be understood.
The Fruitport School district has plenty of issues and needs attempting to educate our kids, but I doubt that tearing down buildings made out of cement and steel and rebuilding into a new configuration will address most, if any, of the challenges.
Why the school board members and some supporters from the public go along with these tax increases for projects that will have little affect on the education our children get, is difficult for me to understand.
I know and could name some of these people and no way would they tear down their home or business and build another one without a very good reason, yet they want the taxpayers to do that with the school buildings.
We have a low school millage rate now because concerned citizens put an effort forward to stop some of the previous foolish bond issues. It’s a credit to our citizens who became involved and made the effort and financial sacrifice. Why not keep our taxes as low as we can unless there is good reason not to? And to vote for a permanent millage over 40 times the amount needed to replace a few buses is another example of the flawed reasoning for this tax proposal.