Fruitport Library Update – February 2017

Fruitport District Library Board of Directors has been working to meet two more goals before we can become a “full service” library. The first goal was to be approved membership by the Lakeland Library Cooperative. In January 2017 we sent a resolution to their board asking to be approved. It was granted unanimously.

The second goal was to be approved membership to the Lakeland Library ILS. This would give us the large circulation of books our residents have grown accustomed to. In order to be a member of the Lakeland ILS we would need to be approved by the ILS Council and meet the criteria of purchasing 13,598 books that are two years and newer.

Today, February 9, 2017 is truly a “HAPPY DAY” as the Lakeland ILS Council not only approved our membership, but also granted us a waiver. The waiver allows us to purchase ½ of the books now and ½ before the end of February 2018. This gives us time to get all the books in the system and relieves the financial burden to our budget.

We thank the Spring Lake District Library Board of Directors and their Library Director, Claire Sheridan for helping us through January, February and March. They have informed us that over 300 Fruitport residents have signed up for a Spring Lake Library Card. They report that Fruitport residents have been very courteous and it has been their pleasure to serve us.

It is the goal of the Fruitport District Library Board of Directors to have a soft library opening April 1, 2017 with plans for a grand opening in May 2017.

If you are in the area, you may want to visit the Library in Pomona Park, Village of Fruitport to meet our new library Director, Bethany Nettleton. There is currently a yoga class every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. and a music event. Can you suggest more ways to use the library for community purposes?

Muskegon County patrons that are qualified Blind and Physically Handicapped and meet the state requirements can utilize the subregional library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped located at the MADL Administration Building, 4845 Airline Road, as this service receives funding from the State. Those who qualify can pick up their books/media at this address or have them mailed to their homes.

The journey to form a community library that will meet the needs of those paying the library tax will be ongoing. We are thankful for the unbelievable support during this District Library establishment period. Many items, including books, computers and time have been donated to help with the opening process. A big thank you to those who are volunteering at the library and for all your donations.

Please join us for the monthly District Library meetings at the Fruitport Township Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. where we welcome your ideas and input.


Fruitport District Library Board of Trustees