The Fruitport Police Department is investigating incidents of Suspicious Activity in the shopping areas near Harvey and Sternberg. Police have identified a white male subject in a tan colored van who has reportedly approached shoppers in an attempt to solicit money.
Recently allegations of an attempted abduction in the Lakes Mall parking lot, also involving a van, have been shared on social media. A police report in reference to suspicious activity in the mall parking lot was filed with FPPD. After the department was made aware of the social media posts officers re-interviewed the witnesses to the mall incident. Those witnesses have confirmed with police that the details, as posted on social media, have been embellished and are not accurate.
Fruitport Police always encourage citizens to be vigilant about their safety and offers these tips…
– Be alert to your surroundings, looking in all directions.
– Do not become distracted by your phone while walking to your car.
– If you are approached, yell or scream to get attention. Return to the store and alert employees or security.
– Have your car key in hand before you leave the store.
– Do not stop to investigate notes left on your car. Drive to a safe, populated location.
– If you are followed while driving, go to a well lit and populated area.
– Call 9-1-1 and report all suspicious people and vehicles immediately.
– If you can do so safely, obtain descriptions of people and license plate numbers.
Fruitport Police are continuing their investigation into these incidents. Officers will increase patrols at the Lakes Mall and other retail areas. Please stay connected to our agency via our webpage, Facebook, and Nixle.
For full details, view this message on the web.