Right to Life of Michigan Encourages Governor Snyder to Sign Choose Life Plate Bill

Right to Life of Michigan is encouraging Governor Rick Snyder to sign legislation to create a Choose Life license plate in Michigan.

Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “We hope Governor Snyder will realize the wonderful opportunity this plate offers to support pregnant women in need.”

A Choose Life license plate would cost $35, with $10 paying for the cost of manufacturing the plate. The extra $25 in fees would go to a Choose Life Michigan fund. Grants from the fund will be given to specific projects to promote adoption and other alternatives to abortion, provide practical help to pregnant women, and suicide prevention programs.

Michigan would become the 32nd state to offer a Choose Life license plate as an option to their citizens. Michigan would have the only Choose Life plate in the nation that also funds suicide prevention efforts.

Listing said, “It’s time for Michigan to join every other state on the I-75 corridor down to Florida. Many Michiganders see Choose Life plates while driving in other states and they want the same opportunity for us to increase support for pregnant women in need.”

Legislation to create the Choose Life plate passed in a bipartisan 65 to 43 vote in the Michigan House on May 25. It first passed the Senate on April 28 by a 25 to 11 vote and received a final procedural vote on June 6.

Choose Life plates would first be available in 2018 if signed into law. The Secretary of State must approve the design of the new plate and then work through the manufacturing and distribution process, which takes approximately nine months.

Michigan law requires fundraising license plates to sell a minimum of 2,000 plates the first year, and 500 new plates each year for 5 additional years in order to continue offering the design.


Right to Life of Michigan | 616-532-2300
info@rtl.org | www.RTL.org
2340 Porter St SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49509