Right to Life of Michigan is disappointed that Governor Rick Snyder vetoed legislation to create a Choose Life specialty license plate in Michigan.
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, “We hoped he would recognize this wonderful opportunity to provide care to pregnant women in need and help suicide prevention efforts.”
Right to Life of Michigan remains committed to creating the license plate.
Listing said, “The support for the Choose Life plate is still there and it will happen in Michigan, it’s just a matter of time. We look forward to taking the issue up with our next governor.”
A record number of prolife bills have been introduced in Lansing this term addressing everything from defunding Planned Parenthood to protecting vulnerable patients from medical discrimination. Right to Life of Michigan applauds the commitment of prolife members in the Legislature who are making prolife issues a priority in Lansing.
Listing said, “We’re working on several important bills that advance protection for human life, including some bills we expect to receive bipartisan support. We’ll continue working with legislators to give Governor Snyder more opportunities to sign good bills.”