Village of Fruitport – Special Council Meeting Minutes – 09/05/17


1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 5:59pm.

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll Call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger, Will Overkamp and Bill Stone. Carl Russell arrived at 6:02pm.
Also present: Dave Bossenbroek Village attorney, Jeremy Statler DPW Supervisor, Heidi Tice Fruitport Township Supervisor and Brenda Moore Muskegon County Drain Commissioner

5. Public Comment – None

6. Drainage District
Roger explained that Brenda Moore, Muskegon County Drain Commissioner contacted the Village about a drain issue that evolved from a new commercial development in Fruitport Township. A letter from an Engineering firm to Brenda Moore outlined the issues of the failing private drainage system in the Village. The Village is receiving the overflow water. The Village Council is considering a petition to do the work necessary to correct the situation. This petition would go to a Board of Determination. A drainage district would then be created and a special assessment for the costs would be established. Amy Haack questioned if the Board of Determination has ever denied a request for a drainage district. Brenda said yes but it was overturned. Carl Russell questioned the breakdown of costs. Brenda stated that the approximate breakdown is 20% Muskegon County, 10% between Fruitport Township (3%) and Fruitport Village (7%) and 70% divided among the affected property owners within the watershed area. The cost can spread over time (5-7 years or longer). The approximate project cost is $500,000. Brenda requested up to $5000.00 to be reimbursed if the project gets voted down. The $5000.00 would be rolled into the Village Special Assessment if the Board of Determination approves the petition. Additional discussion took place on the process. Brenda stated that the project would take 2 – 3 years and after completion the special assessment would apply. Amy agreed to research this further and made a motion to table it until the next council meeting, supported by Carl Russell. Roll Call AYE: Vanderstelt, Pope, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger, Will Overkamp, Bill Stone and Carl Russell. NAYE: None. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

7. Pine Tree in the Park by the Library
Roger passed out a picture of the pine tree in the park. It is near the septic system. He is asking to have it removed. Carl Rothenberger made a motion to have the tree removed, supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

8. Fence in the Park by the Library
Roger explained that the Village is now taking care of the library grounds. He suggests taking down the fence to open the area and make it easier to maintain the grounds. Carl Rothenberger makes a motion to remove the fence, supported by Will Overkamp. Amy questioned what will be done with the fence. Donna wants to know who put up the fence. Jeremy will store the fence on site until it can be determined. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

9. Dock Update and Signage
Jeremy gave an update on the new dock installation and issues that were encountered. He answered questions from Amy about where the mistake was made and if it changes the warranty. The error was made by the company that built the docks and it will not affect the warranty.
Carl Rothenberger discussed quotes for reflective and non-reflective signs for the new dock. Carl Russell made a motion to transfer $600.00 from the General Fund to the Boat Launch Fund to pay for the cost of new reflective style signs for the boat launch dock, supported by Donna Pope. Roll Call AYE – Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYE – None.
With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

10. Safety Winter Jackets
Carl Rothenberger displayed a high visibility safety coat for the DPW employees. The cost is $277.00 for 3 coats. Carl Rothenberger made a motion to purchase 3 coats, supported by Donna Pope. Roll call AYE- Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYE – None.
Carl Rothenberger stated there are also bibs. He gave the cost for 2 pair of bibs for the full-time employees. It was discussed to get a pair of bibs for the part-time employee too. The cost for 3 pair of bibs is 278.40 Motion made by Carl Russell to purchase 3 pair of bibs, supported by Carl Rothenberger. Roll call AYE: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYE: None. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

11. Small Fir Trees in the Park
A discussion took place on removing the four small fir trees in the park. Prestige Landscape service will spade the trees out for free. They will fill in the holes and keep the trees. Motion made by Donna Pope, supported by Carl Rothenberger. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

12. Public Comment – None

13. Closed session to consider possible purchase of real property
Motion made by Carl Rothenberger to move to a closed session, supported by Amy Haack. Roll call to proceed with closed session 7:07pm. AYES – Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Stone and Russell. NAYES – None

Motion made by Amy Haack to end closed session, supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried at 7:44pm.

Motion made by Carl Russell to resubmit the real estate offer, not to exceed the original offer, contingent on having funds available with an amended property description of an extension of the eastern property line extending south to the water line of Modular Systems from Park Street to water’s edge of Spring Lake. Supported by Donna Pope. Roll call AYES – Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Stone and Russell NAYES – None

14. Adjourn
Motion made by Carl Rothenberger to adjourn, supported by Bill Stone. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried at 7:55pm

Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix