Village of Fruitport – Council Meeting Minutes – 08/22/17

AUGUST 22, 2017

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:01pm.

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call of the Board
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Carl Rothenberger and Bill Stone
Absent: Amy Haack, Will Overkamp and Carl Russell
Also present: Jeremy Statler DPW Supervisor and Brenda Moore Muskegon Country Drain Commissioner

5. Approval of previous meeting minutes:
July 18 meeting minutes, Motion made by Donna Pope, supported by Carl Rothenberger. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
August 1st Special meeting minutes, Motion made by Carl Rothenberger, supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Approve the agenda for August 22 Council Meeting: Donna Pope asked that library grounds maintenance be added to the agenda. Motion made by Carl Rothenberger to approve the agenda and to add the library ground maintenance to the agenda (added as Item 12a) supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

7. Public Comment – None

8. Correspondence – None

9. Reports from Officers
Donna reported that we received a check from the Michigan Municipal League. The MML shares any excess money with the participating municipalities.
Carl Rothenberger stated we have more time to meet the deadline for having reflective road signs in place. We need to address at a future meeting. Carl also suggested removing the pine tree that is right outside of the library. It is 5 feet from the new drain field and it also obstructs the view. He strongly suggests removing it. He would like all council members to look at it and talk to the librarian about it. He asked that it be addressed at the next council meeting. Carl advised that the Personnel Committee is looking at creating a Compensatory Time Off policy. The Personnel Committee will write up a policy and present to the council for approval.
Bill Stone had nothing to report.
Roger had nothing to report.

10. Lighting in the Park Update
Jeremy Statler gave an update on the project. Work will begin next week. A discussion took place about the process and Jeremy stated the cost will not go up and may come in under budget. Jeremy also discussed a donation from the Lion’s Club that will be for the lighting.

11. Boat Launch Docks Update
Jeremy advised the new docks will be put in this Thursday and Friday. The boat launch will be closed from Thursday at 10am until Friday at approximately 3pm. Carl Rothenberger suggested that a sign be put on the changing room door at the boat launch. Motion made by Carl Rothenberger to purchase a sign for the changing room door and not to exceed $40.00, supported by Donna Pope. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

12. Drain District Request
Roger explained that the request evolved from a new commercial development that is being built in Fruitport Township. Drainage needs to go from that location to Spring Lake. Jeremy discussed a letter from an Engineering firm to the Muskegon County Drain Commissioner. The firm looked at the current route and an analysis was done because of the failing conditions. Brenda Moore, Muskegon County Drain Commissioner arrived at the meeting. Brenda discussed the failing drainage system and that the Village is getting the overflow water. She will need a petition from the Village Council to do the work necessary to correct the situation. The costs breakdown is 20% Muskegon County, 10% Fruitport Township and Fruitport Village and the remaining 70% divided among the affected property owners. The costs can be spread over time with a Special Assessment. A discussion took place to have a Special meeting on September 5th to address the Drain District Request. Motion made by Carl Rothenberger to have a meeting on September 5, 2017 to address the Drain District Request, supported by Bill Stone. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

A. Library Grounds Maintenance
Jeremy gave a cost breakdown for mowing the library lawn, trimming and fertilizer. Carl Rothenberger made a motion that the Village will mow, weed whip and do snow removal for the library at no cost to the library, supported by Bill Stone. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

13. Public Comment – None

14. Warrants – Motion made by Donna Pope to approve warrants, supported by Carl Rothenberger. Roll Call AYE – Vanderstelt, Pope, Rothenberger and Stone NAYE – None. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried

15. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm

Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix