Wednesday, December 6, 2017
7:30 a.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office
Attendance: Steve Kelley, Tim Burgess, Dave Hazekamp, and Bob Szymoniak
1. New and updated policies were reviewed. They will be on the Board agenda for approval as a second reading.
2. A math coach position has been developed using state and federal funds with the position assigned to Dionne Oberlin. Dionne will be working with teachers in their classrooms district-wide with an emphasis in our elementary schools. No cost to the district’s general fund, again, because of the funding source. The position will be placed on the consent agenda for approval.
3. The operations director vacancy was discussed and will be reviewed again during the January Personnel Committee meeting.
4. Quarterly Board Workshops were discussed. Workshops will be held in June and September to review student data with the other workshops to be determined.
5. Muskegon Made and work-based learning curriculum were discussed as an other.
Adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak