Wednesday, December 6, 2017
4:00 p.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office
Attendance: Allison Camp, Dave Hazekamp, Susan Franklin, Bob Szymoniak
1. Four new course offerings that have been approved by Instructional Council were presented to the committee. These courses included Computer Science (Coding) at the high school, Computer Science Discoveries at the middle school, Human Rights and Genocide, and Sociology both at the high school. The committee supported these courses being placed on the Board agenda for approval.
2. Muskegon Made, the county-wide careers initiative, was discussed and a heads up was given that a work-based learning curriculum would be coming for approval on a future Student Affairs Committee meeting agenda.
3. New and updated policies were reviewed. They will be on the Board agenda for approval as a second reading.
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak