Fruitport Township Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – 12/06/18


December 6, 2017


Chair Michelli called the meeting to order at 7:00

1. Roll Call: Present: Jeff Jacobs, Mike Michelli, Kyle Osterhart, Brett Suchecki, Jason Franklin Absent and excused: Matthew Farrar, Geoff Newmyer
2. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes: November 21, 2017 : Chair Michelli corrected athletic in section of New Business item 06. line number 7. to esthetics. Board accepted the minutes with correction.
3. Approve/Amend Agenda: Chair set the meeting agenda as presented.
4. Correspondence/Reports. None.
5. Public comments pertaining to agenda topics.
a. Dale McClain address 432 Farr Rd Norton Shores, MI 49441; owner of 5694 S Quarterline gave the members a letter stating his concerns and pictures; addressing the Journey Church site plan. He suggested a six foot berm in front of parking space 42 to keep the headlights from shining in windows and reduced noise for his renters that are in the Quarterline home. Also concerned that his well is less than 50 foot from proposed drain field. His home has open field and worried that with removal of trees to build, not enough boundary separation. Commissioner Michelli stated the health department would give them the placement of their drain field. Commissioner Jacobs felt a six foot berm may be a bit too high however feels some type of berm there would be prudent.


No new business


6. Follow up on Special Use / Site Plan – Hughes Builders / Journey Church
Parcel: 61-15-122-100-0020-10
Purpose: Build New House of Worship

Commissioner Franklin would like to see spot elevations on the asphalt. He is concerned the elevations that are given will not retain the water. Stated the retention pond doesn’t calculate for capacity given on the plan, rest of the board agreed. There was much discussion of how the contractors could back up the statement that “all water would remain on the property”.

Representative for Hughes Builders asked if pump for fire suppression can be in the church even though it will hold a small amount of water. Also would like to know if the tank for the system can be buried. Commissioner Jacobs attempted to contact Public Safety Director Brian Michelli, however unable to get through. He then stated they would need to get in touch with Brian and configure it in a way that is approved by him. He also needs to see the materials and specific dimensions and placement of the pump house.

Commissioner Jacobs stated they need to see better detail of the berm, screening at parking spaces 35-42 for water retentions and screening for the neighbors. He stated all trees south of the south drive need to remain for screening purposes; only remove enough for the drive. Commissioner Osterhart agreed either a berm for screening on those parking spaces or omit them.

All Commissioners felt north and south elevations still needed more break up and more plantings. Commissioner Osterhart would like different material on west elevation above the small amount of split block. Suggested to wrap west elevation around to north and south elevation from east. Possible different tones of gray. He was frustrated and felt the Planning Commissioners were having to design the building for Hughes Builders.

Chairman Michelli expressed frustration with the letter from Stephen Parker. He feels the corrections they required at the last meeting were not followed and the reasoning given by Mr. Parker of “no set requirement in the Fruitport Zoning Ordinances” is offensive and inadequate.

Commissioner determined lighting was okay suggested to shine entrance light toward church yet contain on the property. Sign was approved.

Discussion ended with a determination that the site plans needs to come before them again with the changes and corrections.

7. Public Comments: No comments given
8. Work Session: Determined to forego due to time.
9. Adjournment: Chair Michelli adjourned the meeting at 8:45