Student Affairs
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
5:30 p.m. ~ Board Room
Attendance: Allison Camp, Susan Franklin, Dave Hazekamp, Jill Brott, Bob Szymoniak
1. Policy 5610 and 5611 were given a second reading and will be recommended to the full Board for acceptance.
2. Retirements and resignations that will be on the consent agenda for April, 2018 were discussed. Some staffing implications as a result were discussed.
3. A brief discussion was held regarding enrollment and the budget and implications for 2018/19.
4. A review of perception survey data was done. It was shown how this data then drives the school improvement process.
5. The groundbreaking ceremony and other pieces of information regarding the high school bond project and other potential bond expenditures across the district were discussed.
Adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak