January 16, 2018
42-93: Consensus of the Planning Commission is to use the Township’s current medical marihuana ordinance.
Article IV Districts: Combine AG & R-1 are R4. Low density residential to R6. Medium density is R-1. Multiple family is R2. Manufactured housing community is R-5. B-1 is a reserved district for future zoning. B-2 & 3 are ok as written. SC-1 is OK as written. Add PURD is a special use in the underlying zoning district. M-1 is commercial and industrial (not park).
For next meeting the PC will review R1 through R6.
Chair Michelli called the meeting order at 7:00 PM
01. Roll Call: Matthew Farrar, Kyle Osterhart, Mike Michelli, Brett Suchecki, Geoff Newmyer, Jeff Jacobs. Staff: Jacob Mason & Supervisor Tice.
02. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes: December 19th, 2017. Chair Michelli accepted the minutes as presented.
03. Approve / Amend Agenda. Chair Michelli accepted the agenda as presented.
04. Correspondence / Reports. None
05. Public Comments pertaining to agenda topics. None were heard.
New Business
06. Special Use: Timothy L. Bakker, 2028 E. Hile Road
Parcel: 61-15-640-000-0001-10
Purpose: Retain Federal Firearms License (FFL)
No business to be conducted at this address
Motion by Jacobs, supported by Osterhart to open a public hearing on the special use. Unanimous.
Mr. Timothy Bakker, 2028 E. Hile stated he wanted to keep his FFL license and does not want to conduct business at his address. Mr. Bakker needs a property associated with the FFL.
The BAFT requires an address and approval to hold this license.
Motion to close public hearing by Jacobs, support by Newmyer.
All in favor.
A motion was made by Osterhart to grant the special use request for 61-15-640-000-0001-00 for home occupation to retain an FFL.
1. The motion is made to grant the special use request for parcel number(s) 61-15-640-000-0001-10 for the following requested special use: grant the special use for a home occupation to retain an FFL.
2. The motion is based upon specific findings by the Township relative to the factors specified in Section 42-157 of the Zoning Chapter.
–a. The special use will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives or with any specific objections of the Master Plan. This finding is based upon the following fact(s): it will not have an impact on the master plan since no business will be done at the address.
–b. The special use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future uses. This finding is based upon the following facts: no business will be done at the address.
3. If the motion is to grant approval, the following conditions are established as authorized by Section 42-158 of the Zoning Chapter.
–a. The special use must comply with all federal, state, and Muskegon County laws, rules, regulations, and requirements.
–b. The special use must be acquired, developed, and completed in conformance with the Zoning Chapter, as amended, and the rest of the Fruitport Charter Township Code of Ordinances.
–c. If the special use approval is contingent upon public water service or public sanitary sewer service or both being provided, then no construction of the special use may begin until all required easements are in place, all required forms have been completed, and all approvals for service have been obtained.
–d. Any other conditions placed by the Township upon the special use: No customer activity:
—1. No business will be done at the address and as a result, no increase in traffic shall occur.
—2. No customers
—3. Any increase in business would have to come back in front of the PC.
Motion was supported by Newmyer, carried unanimously.
Old Business
07. Public Comments
a. Michelli is corresponding with Walmart regarding a change in their exterior façade. He is further clarifying what they are proposing.
08. Adjournment
The township will provide necessary reasonable aids and services for this meeting to individuals with disabilities by writing or telephoning the Township Clerk: Andrea Anderson, Fruitport Charter Township, 5865 Airline Rd, Fruitport, MI 49415
(231) 865-3151.