Village of Fruitport Council Meeting Minutes – 06/18/18

June 18th, 2018

1. Call to order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Bill Overkamp and Jay Bolt.
Absent: Carl Rothenberger

5. Approval of previous meeting minutes from May 21st regular council meeting and May 30th Special Council Meeting
Motion made by Bill to approve the minutes from the May 21st regular council meeting, supported by Jay. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Motion made by Jay to approve the minutes from the May 30th special council meeting, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Approve the agenda for the June 18th Council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

7. Public Comment
Jeff Jacobs, Village of Fruitport Planning Commission Chairperson, asked for permission to contact Dave Bossenbroek, Village attorney regarding a letter change in the zoning ordinance. He would like to change C (Commercial) to B (Business). President Roger Vanderstelt gave Jeff the approval to contact the Village attorney directly.

8. Correspondence (Ann)
Ann read a thank you note from Rodger Bagnieschi who attended the last meeting regarding stump removal. Ann advised the Michigan Municipal League Convention will be held in Grand Rapids this September.

9. Reports from Officers (Each Council Member)
Donna had nothing to report.
Jay advised that the next Planning Commission is Thursday June 21st. At the previous meeting Jay asked for feedback from the council on two items LED signs and Business Mixed Use. A discussion took place about LED signs. The council provided positive feedback on pursuing the updating of the sign ordinance regarding LED signs. Jay then discussed Mixed Use – Section 8. Jay made a motion to support mixed use along Third Avenue and continuation of that Zoning, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Amy gave an update on the web-site. She received admin rights on May 15th. She added Ann as an admin. Amy uploaded the new boat dock to the web-site. She has updated all the pages and will work with Ann on posts. Amy advised if council members what to add something that it should go to the council prior to any changes being made.
Bill questioned if you have multiple trailer do you need more than one annual pass. Roger advised that one pass is acceptable, and it can be put on their dashboard. Bill questioned the green slime near the shore. Roger advised they are working on the green slime and the cattails.
Roger had nothing to report.

10. Audit for fiscal year end 3-31-2018
Cal Meeusen, CPA for the Village of Fruitport, discussed the audit report for year end 3-31-2018. He reviewed the net position and assets. Cal answered questions. He stated that the Village is in a very good position financially. Amy made a motion to accept the audit for year end 3-31-2018 as presented, supported by Will. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

11. Park Street chip and seal
Amy discussed the Chip and Seal that was presented at the Budget meeting in March. Amy wanted information from the road rating process prior to deciding on the Chip and Seal. The Village Streets were rated by the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission on May 24th as part of the state-wide Asset management Program. Fruitport Village DPW Supervisor was included in the process. Park Street was rated a six. This rating confirms that the Chip and Seal would be a good repair for Park Street. Jeremy has the Road Soft program used for rating roads on his computer. Jay questioned if the parking section in front of the bank was included. Roger said it would be separate and he will check on that. Motion made by Roger to Chip and Seal Park Street from 3rd Ave to 8th Street and to not exceed $19,000.00 in cost supported by Amy. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

12. Boat Launch information station
Roger presented multiple bid for the new boat launch station. A discussion took place. Motion made by Roger to go with Miracle Midwest Quote for $7435.00 plus additional costs not to exceed $12,000.00 (Boat launch fund $9000.00 General Fund $3000.00), supported by Amy. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

13. Assistance with Boat launch enforcement
Roger reviewed the process for the boat launch permit enforcement. Ron and Justin, DPW employees, are patrolling the area on weekday mornings. Roger is asking for assistance from the council to help in the evenings or weekends. Margo will be hired for the 4th of July, Coast Guard and Labor Day weekends. Jay suggested a seasonal person for next year. The process will be reviewed at a future meeting.

14. Flag Poles and new trees in Flower beds
Roger would like to table this discussion until the next regular council meeting. More time is needed for Amy to research it. Discussions with the business owners involved will take place.

15. Boat launch attendant for 4th of July holiday weekend
Roger questioned the council on what days the boat launch attendant should work over the 4th of July holiday. A discussion took place. Roger made a motion to hire the boat launch attendant to work July 4th, July 6th, July 7th and July 8th, supported by Amy. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

16. Credit card reader for boat launch permits
Ann advised the cost of a chip/magstripe reader is $29.00. The fee is 2.75% of purchase. Motion made by Roger to purchase the reader for $29.00 and charge a fee of 2.75% of the purchase to the purchaser. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt NAYES: None

17. 755 Tractor replacement
Roger presented multiple bids for the new tractor. A discussion took place. Jay made a motion to purchase the Pell’s tractor for $26413.00 with all options for a total of $35,913.00. A discussion took place and the motion was amended by Jay to purchase the tractor from Pell’s for $26413.00 with the Broom option $5350.00 and Pallet forks $550.00 for a total of $32,313.00, supported by Amy. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

18. Buoys
Roger advised that we need to put in and remove 3 buoys every year. Pro-Tec Marine will charge $225 for all 3 buoys to be put in the lake in the spring and another $225 to remove all 3 of them in the fall.
Roger gave another option of purchasing a small boat and do it ourselves. A discussion took place. Amy made a motion to hire Pro-Tech Marine to remove the buoys in the fall for a cost of $225.00, supported by Bill. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

19. New property at Pomona Park
Roger thanked everyone involved in the process of obtaining the new property. Roger suggests that we hire a contractor to get rid of the underbrush. The cost would be $2500.00 for 8 hours. A discussion took place and the council decided to hold off on this for now until we decide on future projects for the property.
The property donor has expressed an interest in meeting, so Amy would like to meet with the donor along with other representatives of the Village to discuss proposed uses of the land. After that meeting the Parks and Recreation Group will have a meeting to gain public input on the proposed use of the land to present to council. Amy advised the press release regarding the park property generated much positive press for the Village. It was in local papers, radio, on-line and television news stations.

20. Static IP for Clerk to have remote access to computer
Roger discussed getting a Static IP for the Clerk to have remote access to her computer. Roger made a motion to get a Static IP at the cost of $15.00 per month, supported by Amy. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

21. Public Comments
Jeff Crago, 293 Lake, would like a garbage can at the 8th Street Park. He would like the no parking signs to be put back up. He would also like the sidewalk across from the park to be repaired. Roger will refer all these items to the DPW Supervisor. A discussion about the signs took place and that will be added to the regular council meeting agenda next month.

Jen Anderson, 6895 Brooks, questioned the barrels on the corner of Bridge and Brooks. Roger advised we will contact the Fruitport Township water department to get them removed.

22. Warrants
Motion made by Donna to approve the warrants, supported by Bill. Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt and Vanderstelt. NAYES: None

23. Adjourn
Motion made by Donna to adjourn the meeting at 9:23pm, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix