House Passes Effective Legislation

from The Huizenga Huddle: July 25, 2018

Bipartisan Results

Last Tuesday, the House passed the bipartisan JOBS and Investor Confidence Act. This bipartisan package was made up of 32 pieces of legislation, including 3 bills I sponsored to strengthen capital formation, improve investment opportunities for West Michigan residents with 401K’s and IRA’s, and boost small business job creation. I am happy to report this important bipartisan package of bills passed by a vote of 406-4.

To learn more about how this legislation will positively impact our economy, click the image below.


Helping Those In Need

Over the past few years, we have seen a rise in the number of individuals struggling to access mental health services and substance abuse programs because of the high cost of care and an overall lack of quality care. After working with the specialists and experts at Pine Rest for more than a year, I introduced H.R. 6343, the INPATIENT Act on July 12th.

This West Michigan inspired legislation modernizes treatment available for Medicare and Medicaid patients to help individuals with urgent mental health care needs as well as those struggling with opioid and substance addiction. H.R. 6343 is designed to address treatment, access, cost and workforce challenges associated with high-need, high-cost patients with behavioral health and substance abuse challenges. To learn more about the INPATIENT Act click here.

repbillhTime and time again, individuals who have just completed inpatient rehabilitation programs are forced to live in housing situations where they are surrounded by people that are using the same illegal substances that sent them to rehab. We have to change that.

A sober, safe, and healthy living environment is essential to recovery. To help people overcome their addiction, the House recently passed the THRIVE Act. This legislation promotes a proven evidence-based approach that has helped thousands of Americans to maintain sobriety after completing rehab, gain valuable jobs skills, obtain employment, and eventually transition back into society to lead independent lives. To learn more about the THRIVE Act and how it will help communities across West Michigan, click the photo above.