FCS – Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes – 11/12/18

Student Affairs Committee
Monday, November 12, 2018
5:30 p.m. -Superintendent’s Office

Attendance: Susan Franklin, Lauren Chesney, Dave Hazekamp, Bob Szymoniak. Jill Brott was absent to attend a parent meeting at Shettler per her membership on the Reproductive Health Committee.

1. It was requested by high school principal Lauren Chesney, that the Board amend the commencement policy to require student participation in all state mandated testing in order to be eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony. The Committee will review specific changes to the policy and submit it to the full Board for a first read at their December, 2018 Board of Education meeting.

2. The tentative agreement with the maintenance group was briefly reviewed. Personnel will put this on the Board agenda for action.

3. It was shared that the new Central Office Administrative Support person will begin her employment with us on December 10, 2018.

4. Bid Pack 2 that deals with classroom enclosure at Shettler was presented for review and will be on the Board agenda for action.

5. An update on the cost of issuance of bonds for the 2016 millage was given.

Adjournment at 5:01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak