October 15th, 2018
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Jay Bolt, Jeff Guiles, Carl Rothenberger and Bill Overkamp who arrived at 7:03pm Also present: Jeremy Statler, DPW Supervisor
5. Approval of previous meeting minutes from September 17th council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the minutes from the September 17th council meeting, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
6. Approve the agenda for the October 15th Council meeting
Motion made by Carl to remove and refer item numbers 16 and 20 to the Personnel Committee, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
7. Public Comment
Linda Corint-Bristow, 2018 N 6th Ave, questioned the Master Plan and Special Assessment. Roger advised that the council will be discussing that during this meeting.
8. Correspondence (Ann)
Ann thanked the council for sending her to the MML Convention. It was very informative. Ann distributed a magazine called the Bridge and asked council to let her know if they would like to receive electronic copies of the magazine.
Additional MDOT funding was received by the Village in the amount of $9374.30. Another payment of $9374.30 will be received in January.
The council approved a change to the Personnel Regulations page 11 at the August 20th, 2018 meeting. The request was to change the $40.00 meeting stipend for a DPW attending a council meeting to paid time off for the time duration of the meeting during the same week that the meeting took place. A new request was made to change this item from paid time off for the duration of the meeting during the same week that the meeting took place to the same pay period. Amy made a motion to implement the suggested change to page 11 of the manual, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
9. Reports from Officers (Each Council Member)
Donna gave an update on the library millage vote.
Jeff had nothing to report.
Amy will discuss her agenda items later in the meeting.
Jay advised that he found the MML/MAP Conference very informational. Jay also gave an update on the Planning Commission’s review of the Land Use Ordinances. There next meeting is November 8th. He anticipates the final review of the Land Use Ordinances in December. A Public Hearing will likely take place in the first quarter of 2019.
Carl had nothing to report.
Bill attended the MML Convention and will provide the council with written information about the convention.
Roger advised that we need to fill the vacant position on the ZBA Committee.
10. Master Plan Survey Results (Connie Smith -Planning Commission)
Connie distributed copies of the Master Plan Survey Results. She reviewed each item in detail with the council. Connie asked permission to share the survey results with Fruitport Township, Roger granted permission. Each council member received a binder containing the Village Master Plan, a Master Plan Update guide and the Village Community Recreation Master Plan.
11. Kayak launch update
Jeremy advised that the kayak plans are being revised and we are still on track for submittal of the grant application.
12. Boat launch information station update
Jeremy gave an update on the information station. The concrete has been poured, picnic table has arrived. The cash box has been ordered. The old information board will be renovated and reused.
13. Park Street parking area quote
A diagram of the Park street parking area was reviewed along with the cost. Amy suggested that council tables this discussion until the budget item discussion meeting for the next fiscal year budget. Jay made a motion to table this until January, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
14. Motor Vehicle Ordinance
Roger advised he is working with Fruitport Township on the ordinance process. The Township needs to work with their attorney on a contract regarding the MVO.
15. 2020 3rd Avenue Project
Amy distributed a spreadsheet and discussed changes that were made since the last meeting.
Jeremy discussed an additional spreadsheet. This spreadsheet broke down the cost of sewer service based on individual Residential Equivalent Units.
Amy discussed that the 2020 Project was decided on prior to her being on the council. She is in favor of the road project and continues work to help secure additional funding for the project. Once this project expanded into a discussion of sewer infrastructure, Amy stated that she was excited to learn more about the viability of a sewer project. Amy stated that she put much time into researching the costs to individual residents and business owners. She has also talked to many professionals in the area to seek their advice and opinion on whether or not to move forward on a sewer system considering the high cost to residents and business owners. At this time, there is no imminent environmental reason and there is not a proven economic development catalyst to implement a sewer system. She also stated that her research shows that housing values may rise due to sewer hookup, but not to the point where it would offset the cost of building the infrastructure. Amy concluded by stating that based on the research she has done, and the high costs involved, she cannot support a sewer system at this point and time until if or when grant money becomes available. She remains highly supportive of the Third Avenue Road construction project though and will continue to work to help secure additional funding for that project.
Much discussion took place amongst the council and it was determined that a Public Hearing will be held on November 5th to receive public input from the business and residents in the 2020 3rd Avenue Project area. Letters will be sent to those businesses and residents to advise of the Public Hearing.
16. Building Permit Fees
Jay would like council to review the current Building Permit Fees. He would like this item to be on next month’s meeting agenda.
17. Traffic Signals on Third Avenue
Amy advised that she worked with Jeremy on a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Call for Projects application. It is probable that the Village will receive $92,000.00 of federal funding to purchase 2 new traffic signals on 3rd Ave. No match funding is required, and the Village can coordinate this with the 2020 3rd Ave Project.
18. Snow Plow Plan
The Snow Plow Plan was reviewed, and it was determined to keep the plan the same for the upcoming season.
19. Public Comment
20. Warrants
Motion made by Donna to approve the warrants, supported by Carl.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles, and Vanderstelt
21. Adjourn
Donna made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:31pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix