Fruitport Village Council Work Session Minutes – 12/10/18

DECEMBER 10, 2018

1. Call to Order
Council member Amy Haack called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call
Present: Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Jay Bolt, Jeff Guiles and Bill Overkamp.
Absent: Roger Vanderstelt and Carl Rothenberger Also present: Jeremy Statler, DPW Supervisor and Dave Bossenbroek, Village attorney

5. Approve the agenda for the December 10th work session
Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda for the December 10th work session, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Recreational Marijuana
Dave Bossenbroek, Village attorney, gave an overview of the new Recreational Marijuana state law. Municipalities have the option to either permit the use or ban it. An ordinance would be required to ban it and if you do nothing it would be legal. Dave advised the state will adopt a statute regarding Recreational Marijuana. All of this will take some time. The Council has time to decide regarding Recreational Marijuana in the Village.

7. 2020 Sanitary Sewer and 3rd Avenue Roadway Reconstruction Proposal (Discussion Only)
Amy explained that there was a meeting with Fruitport and Muskegon DPW Staff and legal counsel on December 7th. Amy deferred to Jay to report on the meeting. Jay referred to the report that was distributed to all council members regarding the meeting. Jay also reviewed the Third Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Agreement with Fruitport Township, Fruitport Township Ordinance 723 Sewer System Rate and Administration Ordinance and the Excerpts of Minutes dated January 25, 2016 that included Sewer Rate Resolution.

Jay explained that the bonding may need to go through Fruitport Township or Muskegon County. We need to go through the township to the wastewater system. The township would be the owner of the sewer system. Dave explained mandatory hook up vs. Special Assessment districts. Jay explained at this point we need feedback from Fruitport Township to determine the financial impact for each REU (Residential Equivalent Unit). Potentially the original costs per REU will be considerably reduced. The feedback from the Township will be in a couple of weeks. The decision for sewers needs to be made in January or February to be on schedule for the project. Additional council meetings will need to take place along with possibly a second public hearing. This will be determined at a later date.

8. Adjourn
Jay made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix