Student Affairs Committee
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
5:50 p.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office
Attendance: Dave Hazekamp, Jill Brott, Susan Franklin, Bob Szymoniak
1. Two new high school courses, Meteorology and LINKS were reviewed. These two courses had been recommended by the Instructional Council. They received committee support to be placed on the Board agenda for action.
2. The OAK recommendation regarding the elevator bid was reviewed.
3. Budget amendments were reviewed.
4. A review was done of a letter to parents written by the Reproductive Health Committee giving notice that Planned Parenthood was an approved source for speakers. Topics would be aligned with our Reproductive Health curriculum. No action beyond a review of the letter by the Student Affairs Committee was necessary.
5. After discrepancies where found within the policies under review for a second reading, it was decided to table any action until further notice. Recommended changes to policy 5460 – Graduation Requirements will be put on the Board agenda for action having had two readings by this committee.
6. A discussion was held regarding the superintendent’s contract with no action necessary at this time.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak