Business and Finance Committee
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
11:30 a.m., Superintendent’s Office
Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Dave Hazekamp, Elroy Buckner, Kris Cole, Bob Szymoniak (late), Jeff Grossenbacher and Mark Mesbergen
1. Technology Phone System Recommendation
Jeff presented a recommendation regarding Fruitport’s phone system. Since the new high school instructional classrooms will be going online next school year, the district needed to determine what it was going to do with the phone system. The technology department determined the best option was to switch to the MAISD consortium with other Muskegon school districts. With the switch to the MAISD consortium, Fruitport needs to purchase new phones (hardware) district wide. Jeff presented the recommendation to purchase all of the phones coming out of the Technology-Security Fund.
2. Chartwells’ Renewal
Based on our contract with Chartwells, management fees are adjusted annually in accordance with the cpi. Management fees are adjusted to increase by 1% for the 2019-20 school year. Per the State of Michigan, Fruitport needs to approve the contract renewal agreement which will be attached with the resolution.
3. Sinking Fund Discussion
Mark discussed sinking funds.
4. Year 3 of the Vehicle Replacement
Mark presented a recommendation to change the year three of the vehicle replacement schedule. Originally, year three was to purchase one maintenance truck and put roughly $30,000 into the building and site fund. However, Fruitport’s suburbans that transport students need some repairs and the recommendation is not to fix them due to the poor return on the investment. The change would be to purchase two transportation vans to replace the suburbans and move the suburbans to central receiving and to the maintenance fleet. With this change, there would be no need to purchase the last maintenance truck. There is no budget impact with this change.
5. School Finance Resolution
Mark presented the school finance resolution. The resolution will be under general board business.
6. Other – School of Choice
Mark presented updated school of choice trend data. The data always lags behind as the data for the Fall 2019 just was released.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Mark Mesbergen