Village of Fruitport Council Work Session Minutes – 08/12/19

AUGUST 12Th, 2019

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6pm.

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Amy Haack, Jay Bolt, Donna Pope, Jeff Guiles, Ann LaCroix and Will Overkamp (arrived at 6:24pm)
Absent: Carl Rothenberger

5. Approve the agenda for the August 12th Council Work Session
Motion made by Donna to approve the August 12th meeting agenda, supported by Jay. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Public Comment

7. Boat Launch Attendant Hours
Roger discussed the boat launch attendant hours. We currently have 7 on call hours remaining for the season. He advised the boat launch revenue is up over $6000.00 from this time last year. Roger made a motion to add 25 additional hours to the available on call hours for the remainder of the summer, supported by Donna.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt

8. Recreation Master Plan
Stephen Carlson from WMSRDC discussed the Questionnaire Results from the Visioning Session and comments received by the Village after the Visioning Session. The comments are in line with comments received when developing the current Recreation Master Plan. Stephen reviewed the questionnaire results with the Council. Stephen asked how the plan has served the community over the last 5 years. Amy responded that is a good plan and there was a lot of public input and detail acquired while developing the current plan. Stephen advised that a project doesn’t need to be specifically listed to be funded it does need to be in line with the goals and objectives of the plan.
Stephen then lead a complete review by council of the goals and objectives noting the requested changes by the council members.
The Action Plan will be addressed at the next council meeting.

9. Public Comment

10. Adjournment
Motion made by Donna to adjourn at 7:57pm, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix