Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful summer weather.
I am writing in regards to a prolife event happening here in Muskegon and am hoping you will join and/or donate to the cause. A coworker of my husband’s has organized a Run/Walk for Life Event for Saturday, August 17th at Prince of Peace North Muskegon. All the money raised is being given to Muskegon Pregnancy Services in order for them to purchase a new ultrasound machine.
It’s another wonderful way to show our support for life. – Please feel free to Invite ALL your family and friends 😉
Following are the details of the event from their Facebook page :
ALL proceeds will be donated directly to Muskegon Pregnancy Services for the purchase of a new ultrasound machine.
All runners registered within 2 weeks of the race date will receive a free cotton T-shirt, with the option of upgrading to a wicking shirt.
Packet pickup will be on the day of the race at 8am. This race is professionally CHIP timed with awards presented to the top racers in each age group.
Start Time: 8:30am EDT – End Time: 9:30am EDT
The Knights of Columbus will have breakfast prepared following the race. Breakfast is Free for all registered participants. All others 7$/adult, 5$/child. All profits also being donated to MPS. All are welcome!!
$30.00 + $2.50 Sign Up Fee
12 and under $15.00+$2.50 Sign Up Fee
Registration: Registration ends August 16, 2019 at 9:00pm EDT
For Race signups and donations-
Here is the direct link to their Facebook page as well: https://www.facebook.com/events/2321326731432337/
God bless you all and hope to see you on the 17th!
Kristine Babiarz