Village of Fruitport Regular Council Meeting Minutes – 09/16/19


1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Jeff Guiles, Amy Haack, Will Overkamp (arrived at 7:03pm), Jay Bolt (who arrived at 7:16pm) and Ann LaCroix.
Absent: Carl Rothenberger

5. Approve the agenda for the September 16th Council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the September 16th agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Approval of the August 19th Council meeting and the August 26th Special Council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the August 19th council meeting minutes and the August 26th special council meeting, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Motion made by Amy to approve the July 31st Special Council meeting minutes, supported by Jeff.

7. Public Comment

8. Correspondence
Ann shared a new design provided by Compass signs for the Pomona Park sign.

9. Reports from Officers
Donna reported that the Library is doing well.
Jeff had nothing to report.
Amy advised that we received the preliminary scores for the Kayak Launch Grant application. We currently have 350 points of the 520 points possible. There are areas that we will be able to provide supplemental information to increase our points. Amy shared a copy of the points document and Ann will email a copy to council.
Bill questioned the 120-day probation period for 2 employees. Both have completed the 120 days. A Personnel Committee meeting will be scheduled soon.
Roger advised that McCormick Sand has completed the sink hole repair project on Beech Street. The culvert was completely rotted out.
Jay gave an update on the Planning Commission’s last meeting. They drafted letters for 4 parcels that are affected by the proposed changes to the zoning map. Jay has met with each party and foresees no issues. A public hearing will take place soon regarding the Proposed changes to the Zoning Map.

10. Recognition of Planning Commission member
Jay presented Michael Michelli with a Distinguished Service Award. The Council and Planning Commission thanked him for his service to the Village of Fruitport Planning Commission.

11. Fruitport Village Recreation Plan
Amy reviewed the Recreation Update Action Plan draft, the Goal & Objectives draft and the Historic Accomplishment drafts with the council. Stephen Carlson will attend next month’s council meeting. A Public Hearing will take place and then go to council for approval of the plan. It needs to be submitted to the DNR by January. Amy made a motion to approve the drafts of the Action Plan, Goal & Objective and Historical Accomplishments, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Bolt and Rothenberger

12. 2020 3rd Avenue Report
Roger advised Prein and Newhof continue to work on the project schedule.
Ann presented 4 quotes for a new Marquee to the council. A new logo will need to be created for the Marquee. A discussion took place. Jay made a motion to table this item until the next council meeting, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote the motion carried. Ann will work on a new logo.

13. Horizon Community Planning Proposal
Amy reviewed the proposal from David Jirousek with the council. A discussion took place. Amy made a motion to accept the proposal as presented at a cost $16,500.00, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Rothenberger

Jay made a motion to have Dave Bossenbroek, Village attorney draft a contract for the Horizon Community Planning Proposal, supported by Roger.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Rothenberger

14. Wood chipper
Roger explained that the DPW crew needs a wood chipper. They need to trim branches prior to the snowplow season. They would be able to repurpose the wood chips in the park. Roger presented two quotes. A discussion took place. Motion made by Jay to approve $2850.00 and any additional tax and shipping costs for the purchase of a wood chipper. The DPW crew will determine which chipper to purchase, supported by Jeff.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Rothenberger

15. Sidewalk repair quotes
Roger reviewed two quotes for sidewalk repair at 5/3rd bank, the library and bridge street. A discussion took place. The item is tabled for the next meeting. Roger will provide pictures of the work that needs to be completed and verify the current quotes and possibly provide a third quote.

16. Public Comment
Mike Michelli commented on the sidewalk quote process and that a scope of project is helpful in getting bids. Mike also commented on the Village hiring a Planning contractor and how helpful the services can be.

17. Warrants
Motion made by Donna to approve the warrants, supported by Amy.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt
NAYS: None
Absent: Rothenberger

18. Adjournment
Motion made by Donna to adjourn the meeting at 8:18pm, supported by Bill. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix