Student Affairs Committee
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
12:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:
Fruitport Community Schools Central Office
3255 E. Pontaluna Rd.
Fruitport, MI 49415
Susan Franklin, Dave Hazekamp, Tim Burgess, Allison Camp, and Jason Kennedy
- An overview of the District’s Continuous Improvement Process was reviewed by Allison Camp. This included a review of the strategies being focused on in each of the buildings, as well as the strategy implementation and monitoring processes for each school.
- The Committee discussed modifying the 2021-2022 calendar to change Monday, December 13, 2021 from a day of in-person pupil instruction to a professional development day for teachers and staff. This day would still be counted toward the required days and hours of pupil instruction, and will ensure that we provide the appropriate number of professional development hours to staff.
a. A recommendation to approve the calendar change, as discussed, will be made to the Board of Education.
b. A recommendation to approve the District’s Instructional Council as the District’s Professional Development Advisory Committee will be made to the Board of Education. - A review of the Noncriminal Justice Agency (NCJA) audit and required policy updates was discussed. The District is working with Thrun Law Firm, P.C. to revise Board policies to ensure compliance. Thrun Law Firm, P.C. anticipates a release of the updated Board policies by the week of November 15, 2021, with the updated policies appearing on the December 13, 2021 Board agenda for approval. It is anticipated that the updated Board policies will be presented to the committees to review in December prior to request for approval from the full Board of Education.
- A COVID-19 update was provided, including an overview of the District’s 75% pupil membership attendance report, impacts to staffing and unfilled vacancies, and an overview of the Emergency Temporary Standard for vaccination, testing, and facial covering standards.
- Other: An overview of the certified fall 2021 pupil membership count was discussed.
- Public Comment: None.
Meeting adjourned at 12:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jason Kennedy, Superintendent