Fruitport Charter Township Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2022

A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, June 13, 2022, in the township board room.

Members Present: Todd Dunham, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Jim Fichtel, Greg Hulka, Terry Knoll, David Markgraf
Members Absent: none

At 7:00pm, Todd Dunham opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Also Present: 15- residents; 1- employees; 1- guests; Director of Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada; Public Safety Director, Brian Michelli.

The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Rose Dillon was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of May 23 & 27, 2022.

The motion by Andrea Anderson, seconded by Terry Knoll was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented.


  1. Steve Biesiada reported that a vehicle drove through the fencing around the Broadway water tower and the water tower will be tested for structural damage, in the meantime the fencing is being repaired; lead and copper sampling is in progress.
  2. Brian Michelli is working on an invoice for services during Old Fashioned Days; fuel cost is rising and affecting the budget, the Fire Department received a donation of nearly $5,000 from the Trinkets and Treasures sale through the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce.


  1. Four residents in the area of S. Sheridan Rd. and Mt. Garfield Rd. shared that there is excessive shooting of guns around their homes. Complaints of bullets leaving the shooter’s property and entering their property, damage to their trees by gunshot, and an unsafe environment being created for their families. They shared that they would like to see an ordinance created for safe and responsible shooting in residential areas. Several neighbors have spoken with the shooter asking for resolutions. They would like actions to be taken to make their property a safe place to be.
  2. A neighbor from Lily Ct. reported shooting in the area of Dangl Rd. with bullets entering his and his neighbors’ property. They are fearful to be outside under such conditions.
  3. Heidi Tice shared that the Old Fashioned Days carnival saw record sales; the Lions Club appreciated the service provided by the Police and Fire Departments.


22-064 Consideration of Petitions for Kendra Road Improvement
This topic is tabled until sufficient petitions are received.

22-065 Resolution to Declare Intent and Set Public Hearing Date for Kendra Road Improvement
This topic is tabled until sufficient petitions are received.


22-066 Discussion of Potential Firearms Ordinance
Public comments were heard regarding safety and noise concerns of shooting in multiple areas of the township. The Public Safety Director asked for a discussion on the potential creation of an ordinance to make enforcement clearer. Discussion took place. The Supervisor will meet with others this week to discuss options for enforcement.

22-067 Approval to Purchase Body-Worn Cameras for the Police Department
Rose Dillon moved, seconded by Terry Knoll, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the purchase eight (8) body-worn cameras for the Police Department as requested.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: none

This purchase is recommended by the Public Safety Committee and the Township’s Liability Insurance carrier. Restricted Public Safety fund balance will be used for the purchase.

Four (4) additional cameras will be purchase in the fall if the risk reduction grant is awarded.

22-068 First Reading: Michigan Gas Utilities Franchise Ordinance
This ordinance would be for granting Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right, power, authority and permission to use the highways, streets, alleys and other public places of the Township for the purpose of laying and maintaining gas pipes, mains, conduits, valves, drips, and all necessary appurtenances in, under and along the highways, streets, alleys and other public places, of the Township and the right, power and permission to conduct and operate a general gas business and distribution system in the Township’s corporate limits, for a period of thirty (30) years.

This constitutes the first reading. Final action will take place at the next regular scheduled board meeting on June 27, 2022.

22-069 Payment of Bills
Terry Knoll moved, Andrea Anderson seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $10,271.21; Public Safety $1,080.67; Water $68,482.41; Sewer $15,352.77; Trust & Agency $0.00; Street Lights $0.00
Totaling: $95,187.06

Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: none


  1. Rose Dillon shared a DDA bond expenditure report; the township is due to receive its second tranche of ARPA funds soon; summer tax bills will be going out July 1st.
  2. Todd Dunham shared that the deadline for the Governor to sign her approval for the casino is Thursday.


  1. Al Swanson introduced himself as a candidate for 14th Circuit Court Judge.

The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Jim Fichtel, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 7:47pm.