by Kimmie Holtrop
Searching for Sasquatch: The Hidden Treasure of Bigfoot Valley, a brand-new comic book based on Canadian Bigfoot researcher Jason Kenzie’s documentary film series, “Searching for Sasquatch,” was recently published as a collaborative effort by Jason Kenzie, and local Michigan artist, Tim Holtrop.
Jason and Tim developed the plot for this exciting adventure story, in which a determined team, based on Jason’s real-life friends from some of his expeditions—the She-Squatchers, a trio of all-female researchers, as well as his friends Todd Parsons and David Dominique—ventures deep into the forests of British Columbia in search of an elusive Cryptid, stumbling upon a wild, unexplored valley, and a secret cache of ancient treasure that’s protected by a tribe of Sasquatch.
Jason wanted to make a comic book for a long time, and finally found the opportunity when Tim, freelance storyboard artist and illustrator, as well as a fellow Bigfoot fan, reached out to him. Tim worked on the art for the comic, with some help from his wife and daughter on editing, and from four of his sons doing the coloring, lettering, and layout. Each family member enjoyed his or her part in producing this thoroughly entertaining and heartwarming story.
Tim has been interested in Bigfoot since he was a kid. “Although, I’ve never seen one, I do believe there could be a creature like that out there. As a commercial artist, I draw everyday products and practical things for advertising, but I’m also fascinated by the wonders of creation, and enjoy drawing stories of the possible adventures people can have out in nature.” He sees the world as a big place, with many mysterious things yet to be discovered.
As a photojournalist, Jason’s love for animals led him to become a pet photographer. His interest in Bigfoot began when the COVID-19 pandemic restricted traveling. So, in quest of adventure, Jason set out into the forests of Canada and the United States, listening to the eyewitness testimony of people who have encountered the infamous Sasquatch. “My entire life, I’ve heard about Bigfoot. Growing up, everyone used to talk about the Sasquatch, but I never really took interest. I always thought it was an urban legend,” Jason said.
“I’m still kind of a skeptic when it comes to Bigfoot… I haven’t had a daytime sighting of one of these creatures, so I can’t say 100% that Bigfoot is real,” Jason said. But he still keeps an open mind to the possibility of the Sasquatch’s existence. He has filmed his field research into the subject, and made 11 documentaries about his quests to find the Sasquatch. Jason’s favorite part of his research into this evasive Cryptid is being able to make new friends and meet new people, while hiking and camping in beautiful outdoor locations.

Adults and kids alike love the colorful pages and fast-paced story in the Searching for Sasquatch comic, which is available now at “I thought it would be neat for kids to enjoy Bigfoot,” said Jason. Both Jason and Tim have had good responses from people who enjoyed the comic, which is being received well in the Bigfoot community and beyond.
And as Jason says, “Let the adventures always