DECEMBER 18, 2017
1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger, Carl Russell and Will Overkamp, who arrived at 7:08pm. Absent: Bill Stone
Also, Present: Jeremy Statler, DPW Supervisor and Greg Mason, Cathy Krol and Lesli Lehner from Michigan Township Services.
5. Approval of previous meeting minutes
Ann reported 5 grammar changes to the minutes. Amy Haack, supported by Roger Vanderstelt made a motion to approve the minutes with the changes Ann reported. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
6. Approve the agenda for the December 18th, 2017
Amy clarified that item 10 on the agenda is a discussion about the Rental Unit Registration that was adopted by Fruitport Township. Motion made by Amy Haack, supported by Donna Pope to approve the agenda. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.
7. Public Comments
8. Correspondence
9. Reports from Officers
Donna reported that things are going well at the Library.
Amy reported that our attorney, Dave Bossenbroek, is reviewing the park ordinances and rules that may be out of date. She will present any suggested changes at an upcoming meeting.
Carl Rothenberger nothing to report.
Carl Russell gave an overview of the recent Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission is reviewing the Master Plan and Ordinances. At the last meeting they reviewed a Master Plan Survey. Carl also discussed the Storm Water Ordinance. Jay Bolt, Secretary of the Planning Commission, discussed the survey and the process of distributing it to the community and making residents aware of the Master Plan review process.
Will nothing to report.
Roger advised the council that we received $1,226.00 from the sale of the old snow blower and push blower equipment.
Roger also advised the council that the motion to purchase the Post Pounder for $2,363.00 at the last meeting didn’t include a case. The new cost is $2,587.00. Motion made by Carl Rothenberger, supported by Amy Haack to approve the cost of the Post Pounder to $2,587.00. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp and Russell. NAYES: None.
Roger would like to donate Ann’s old desk to the Crockery Township Fire Department. Motion made by Carl Rothenberger, supported by Amy Haack to donate the desk to the Fire Department. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Roger discussed that $260.00 was incurred for payroll and equipment used for the Lion’s Club for Old Fashioned Christmas. Roger suggested that the Village absorb half of the charge. Motion made by Carl Russell, supported by Will Overkamp to pay $130.00 towards the $260.00 charge. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Roger discussed that we need to focus on saving for the 2020 3rd Street project instead of doing the budget wish list for the next fiscal year.
10. Roger recapped the Fruitport Township Rental Registration and Checklist that was discussed at the last meeting. Greg Mason from Michigan Township Services advised the council that municipalities with over 10,000 residents are required to have a rental ordinance. Cathy Krol from MTS explained that in the Township rentals are required to register with the Assessing Department for a fee of $10. After registering they need to schedule an inspection for a fee of $50.00. A checklist of requirements is provided to the property owner prior to the inspection. Lesli Lehner from MTS discussed safety issues regarding rental properties. Carl Russell thinks that the Planning Commission should review Rental Registration for the Village and make a recommendation to the council. Motion made by Carl Russell to address the Rental Registration at the next Planning Commission meeting, supported by Will Overkamp. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
11. Honorary Plaque and Thank You Letter Update for Lighting
Roger would like to put a Plaque on the Light Pole. He will follow up with more detail on the plaque at the next meeting.
12. 270 Pine St. Presentation (Owner: Mark Oldenburg)
Mark Oldenburg passed out a diagram to the council. He pointed out that his garage, driveway and sprinklers are on Village property. A discussion took place and Roger suggested that Mark and his attorney contact our Village attorney Dave Bossenbroek and DPW Supervisor.
13. Winter Boots
Carl Russell suggested that we purchase Muck Boots for the DPW staff. A discussion took place about the boots. Motion made by Carl Russell, supported by Amy Haack to purchase new boots for the DPW staff at a cost not to exceed $160.00 per person. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp and Russell. NAYES: None
14. Public Comment
John Bumstead, 2186 E 77nd Street, Newaygo addressed the council. He was a State Representative from 2010-2016. He is running for the 34th district State Senator. John offered to answer any questions and passed out his business card.
15. Warrants
Motion made by Carl Russell to approve the warrants, supported by Carl Rothenberger. Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp and Russell. NAYES: None
16. Adjourn
Motion made by Donna Pope to adjourn, supported by Carl Rothenberger. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried at 8:12pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix