The Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office and Ottawa County Geospatial Insights and Solutions released a new, mobile-friendly incident mapping system last month. The system allows users to search for police activity by date, location and type of incident. Incident types are categorized as traffic and crashes, crimes against persons, health and safety, drugs and alcohol, property, marine and other services. The incidents listed include a basic description of the call and the general area of occurrence. Calls under the jurisdictions of GVSU, Zeeland, Grand Haven, and Holland are included in the system.
The incident mapping system is a transparency tool allowing residents to be better informed and potentially safer in their neighborhoods. Citizens can see what types of complaints Ottawa County has been responding to in their communities.
Users of the system should note that:
• The incidents listed are law enforcement calls for service, and not necessarily cases or substantiated crimes.
• House numbers are truncated and other data is stripped to protect the privacy of individuals.
Find a link to the system at