Fruitport Charter Township Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of November 26, 2018

A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, November 26, 2018, in the township board room.

Members Present:  Heidi Tice, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Greg Hulka, Jeff Jacobs, Terry Knoll, and Denise Winebarger
Members Absent: none

At 7:05pm, Heidi Tice opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.

Also Present: 5- residents; 0- employees; 1- guests; Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli; Director of Public Utilities, Ron Langlois; Attorney Ron Bultje.

The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by Denise Winebarger, was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of October 22, 2018 as presented.

The motion by Andrea Anderson, supported by Greg Hulka, was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented with the following additions under New Business:

E: Resolution in support of Senate Bill 396
F: Sale/trade of police vehicles

1. A public hearing will be held on December 12, 2018, 6:00pm, at Fruitport Middle School auditorium regarding the proposed casino.
2. Brian Michelli shared reports of a possible attempted child abduction and random assault; the next two Tuesdays the Public Safety departments will participate in Shop With a Hero; Saturday, December 1, will be the Santa open house at Station 2 from noon-2pm; the Fire Department had a successful training burn last weekend; the Township will be sponsoring a family for Christmas through Shields of Hope; a fire truck was struck by a car while parked on the scene of a call.
3. Ron Langlois reported that the Water Department relocated 6 fire hydrants; we received the hot-spot kit for the Bridge Street water main; Tiles Excavating is extending water and sewer main lines for the Chestnut Fields expansion.
4. Rose Dillon shared a report on Veteran’s exemptions and a bill that would move the exemptions to the state level.
5. Muskegon County Waste Water newsletter.
6. The Fruitport Lions’ Old Fashioned Christmas will be in Pomona Park December 7 &8.
7. Cloverville-Jensen culvert is complete.

1. Jay Bolt inquired on the impact that the legalization of recreational marijuana will have on the Police Department and on the potential for local units to make stricter regulations than the state provides.



18-142 Motion Dynamics Public Sanitary Sewer Extension Agreement
Jeff Jacobs moved, Heidi Tice seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to authorize the execution of the Motion Dynamics Public Sanitary Sewer Extension Agreement, draft dated September 19, 2018.  This was recommended by the DPW Committee.

Ayes: Hulka, Winebarger, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none

18-143 Reappoint Brett Suchecki
Rose Dillon moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the Supervisor’s reappoint of Brett Suchecki to a three year term on the Planning Commission.  The term will end November 1, 2021.

Ayes: Hulka, Winebarger, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none

18-144 Hunting on Township property
The motion by Greg Hulka, seconded by Terry Knoll, was carried unanimously, to prohibit hunting on Township property.

18-145 AT&T Metro Act Right of Way permit extension
Andrea Anderson moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve a 5 (five) year unilateral Metro Act Permit with AT&T.  The purpose for the permit is for access to and on-going use of public rights-of-way within the Township of Fruitport for the purpose of providing telecommunication services to its customers.

Ayes: Hulka, Winebarger, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none

18-146 Resolution on Senate Bill 396
Heidi Tice moved, Greg Hulka seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt the resolution in opposition of Senate Bill 396.  The Supervisor is to send the resolution to the State Senate.

Ayes: Hulka, Winebarger, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none

18-147 Sale/trade of police vehicles
The Police Department has the opportunity to trade with Emergency Services the 2013 Toyota Rav-4 and 2008 GMC Envoy for a 2013 Ford Explorer that will better suit the needs of a non-patrol vehicle, plus $2,000.  The deal is recommended by the Public Safety Committee.

Jeff Jacobs moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the transaction, trading the Rav-4 and Envoy for an Explorer and $2,000.

Ayes: Hulka, Winebarger, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none

18-148 Payment of bills
Andrea Anderson moved, Jeff Jacobs seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts:  General Fund $40,418.94; Public Safety $49,294.85; Water $160,003.10; Sewer $29,683.62; T&A $1,616.00; Street Lights $14,216.46; Revolving Road $164.67
Totaling: $295,397.64

Ayes: Hulka, Winebarger, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none

1. Ron Bultje recommended that the Township consider creating a regulatory ordinance and a zoning amendment ordinance addressing recreational marijuana.

1. Rick Tice inquired as to how long it will be before 911 doesn’t work if it doesn’t get updated and asked what it would cost to switch the street lights to LED.

The motion by Terry Knoll, supported by Greg Hulka was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm.