Village of Fruitport Council Meeting Minutes – 12/17/18

DECEMBER 17, 2018

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Jay Bolt, Jeff Guiles and Carl Rothenberger
Absent: Bill Overkamp
Also present: Jeremy Statler, DPW Supervisor, Dave Bossenbroek, Village attorney, Heidi Tice, Fruitport Township Supervisor and Ron Bultje, Township attorney

5. Approval of previous meeting minutes from November 19th council meeting and December 10th Public Hearing
Motion made by Jeff to approve the minutes from the November 19th council meeting, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Motion made by Amy to approve the minutes from the December 10th work session, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

6. Approve the agenda for the December 17th Council meeting
Carl requested that an item be added under New Business as item 16 Discussion regarding DPW Worker. Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda for the December 17th council meeting with the item added, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

7. Public Comment

8. Oath of Office
Roger, Amy and Carl took the oath of office for their newly elected terms.

9. Correspondence (Ann)
Ann read a letter from Connie Smith stating her resignation from the Village Planning Commission. Ann also read a letter from Justin Allison, CEO of Peppies Inc regarding recreational marijuana.

10. Reports from Officers (Each Council Member)
Donna advised that the Fruitport District Library board recommends Ruth Woodward be appointed to replace Lorri Essenberg and that Laura Oldt be reappointed both for a 2-year term.
Amy has been working very hard on the road and sewer projects. She also attended the casino tribal meeting. There was lots of support for the casino. Amy asked that we draft a resolution in support of the casino and place the discussion on next months agenda.
Jay also attended the casino meeting. He questioned Heidi Tice if the casino shopping center would be in competition with existing retail in the area. Heidi advised that the casino shopping boutique shopping and would be more complimentary than competition to existing retail stores.
Jay gave an update on the Planning Commission. The December meeting was cancelled. The next meeting will take place on January 25th at noon. They have finished the Land Use Ordinances. After the January meeting they will present to council along with a Schedule of Fees recommendation. They will start on the Master Plan after the completion of the Land Use Ordinances. Jay will present an end of the year report to the council after the next meeting.
Jeff had nothing to report

11. Library appointments
Motion made by Roger to appoint Ruth Woodward to the Fruitport District Library board for a two-year term of December 31, 2018 and expiring December 31, 2020, replacing Lorri Essenberg who has resigned, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote the motion carried. Roger made a motion to reappoint Laura Oldt to the Fruitport District Library board for a two-year term of December 31, 2018 and expires December 31, 2020, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

12. Planning Commission appointment
Motion made by Roger to appoint Jonathon Sigman to replace Connie Smith on the Planning Commission, supported by Jay. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

13. 2020 3rd Avenue Project
Jay gave an introduction regarding the council work session held last week. A meeting was arranged with the Jeremy and Fruitport Township staff. Jay asked Jeremy to give a report of the meeting. Jeremy said the meeting was to gain clarification of the Township’s role in the potential sewer project. He invited Township Supervisor Heidi Tice and Township Attorney Ron Bultje to the council meeting. Jeremy asked Ron to go over information from the meeting with our council. Ron stated that the Township is interested in cooperating with the Village. Ron discussed a possible Special Assessment District. He explained if there is a SAD there would be no availability or trunkage fees. He discussed bonding of the project. He advised it would need to be approved by the Township board. Ron advised the total cost would be divided by the number of Residential Equivalent Units (REU). The cost would be in the range of $10,500 per REU. If a petition was done 51% of the parties involved would need to be in favor of the project. The special assessment would be placed on the yearly Village tax bill.
Amy discussed with the council that we were researching sewer because of the possible major road reconstruction of 3rd Avenue. A grant for $375,000 was applied for and the Village was recently notified that they did not receive the grant. Amy went on to explain that the road reconstruction is approximately $875,000. An option would be to do a 3 mill increase to residents for 5 years for one road project. Without the grant money she doesn’t see how we can do this in an equitable way for the residents. Amy referred to the probably cost options presented by the engineering firm. We could do the option of a new resurfaced road at the cost of $457,000 without the sewer. We currently have $200,000 in a federal grant, $157,000 pending federal grant and Village funds of $100,000 to cover the cost.
A discussion took place and it was determined to table it until we get additional information needed to make a decision. The timeframe for the decision needs to be by February.

14. Kayak launch
Jeremy advised he is waiting on information from our engineering firm.

15. Recreational Marijuana
Dave referred everyone to the Recreational Marijuana information in their council packet. The information is from the Michigan Municipal League and is very detailed. Dave explained that municipalities need to opt out of recreational marijuana or it is in effect. The Village needs to decide if they want to opt out. The Village could opt out now while the state is putting together regulations and opt back in later if they choose to. Dave will send a generic ordinance to our clerk and have on the agenda for next month’s meeting.

16. Discussion regarding DPW Worker
Carl made a motion to grant the Personnel Committee authority to deal with a DPW worker situation, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

17. Public Comment

18. Warrants
Motion made by Donna to approve the warrants, supported by Carl. Roll Call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt NAYES: None

19. Adjourn
Donna made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ann LaCroix