Regular Planning Commission Meeting
Fruitport Charter Township
5865 Airline Road
Date: January 15, 2019
Work Session: 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Chairman Michelli Jr. brought the regular planning commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
01. Roll Call:
A. Members Present: Mike Michelli Jr., Kyle Osterhart, Brett Suchecki, Jason Franklin.
B. Members Absent: Matt Farrar, Jeff Jacobs, Geoff Newmyer.
C. Others Present: Heidi Tice, Supervisor; Kim Morse, Township; Jacob Mason, Michigan Township Services.
02. December 18, 2018 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes:
A. Motion by Osterhart to add Jacobs to the Roll Call. Support by Suchecki.
–1. Ayes: All in favor.
–2. Nays: None.
03. Approve / Amend Agenda:
A. Approved as presented.
04. Correspondence / Reports:
A. None.
05. Solar Ordinance Discussion:
A. Dave Caldon: Varnum LLP, on behalf of Riverside Solar:
–1. The proposed site is on Brooks, north of Hazekamps. He feels it would provide a nice buffer use between heavy industrial and residential. Noise from the solar panels would not be heard off-site and it is a low-impact use. This site is 17.73 acres and the ordinance we are reviewing states 20 acres minimum for Utility Scale Solar. He would like to PC to consider reducing the acreage.
–2. Michelli mentioned this is for review only and we will have to consult with the township attorney on changing the Utility Scale acreage to 15 acres and add the wording (or other approved screening by the PC) to the screening portion. Michelli will coordinate with the Township Attorney on suggested changes.
06. Public Comments pertaining to agenda topics:
A. None.
New Business
07. Zone Change – North Ottawa Community Hospital – Public Hearing
Parcels: #15-134-100-0001-00
∙ #15-134-100-0002-00
∙ #15-134-100-0004-00
Purpose: Re-zone to match Township Master Plan – Commercial/B2
A. Motion to open the public hearing by Osterhart with support by Suchecki.
–1. Ayes: All in favor.
–2. Nays: None.
B. Mark Reenders (Facilities Director for North Ottawa Community Hospital) suggested tabling the Zone Change because they have a new interest in the site as its current use.
C. Geraldine (1721 Pontaluna) asked if they are selling the site and Reenders replied that they may.
D. Motion to close the public hearing by Franklin with support by Suchecki.
–1. Ayes: All in favor.
–2. Nays: None.
E. Motion to table the Zone Request by Suchecki with support by Franklin.
–1. Ayes: Suchecki, Franklin, Michelli, Osterhart.
–2. Nays: None.
08. Site Plan Review – Township of Fruitport Sheringer Park
Parcel: #15-112-100-0040-00
Purpose: Approval For Improvements
A. Continue the motion to Table. More discussion by the PC with the Township Attorney to occur on options moving forward.
09. Site Plan Modification – Platinum Pines
Parcel: #15-127-100-0009-00
Purpose: Amend Site Plan
A. Continue the motion to Table. No new information presented by Platinum Pines.
10. Business Registration Ordinance: PC discussed this is now in the Boards hands.
11. Site Plan Modification – Chandy Acres East 2239 Mount Garfield Road
Parcel: #61-15-127-2000-0007-40
Purpose: Modification of previously approved site plan under section 42-226
A. Continue the motion to Table. No new information presented.
12. Public Comments: None
13. Adjournment: There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kyle Osterhart, (Acting) Secretary / Vice Chairman