A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:30pm on Monday, February 11, 2019, in the township board room.
Members Present: Heidi Tice, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Greg Hulka, Jeff Jacobs, and Terry Knoll
Members Absent: Denise Winebarger, excused
At 7:00pm, Heidi Tice opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
Also Present: 1- residents; 10- employees; 4- guests (approx. 35 players and family from Calvary Christian Basketball Team were in attendance, unknown resident or non); Director of Public Safety, Brian Michelli; Director of Public Utilities, Ron Langlois; Attorney Ron Bultje (arrived @8:25pm)
The motion by Jeff Jacobs, supported by Rose Dillon, was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of January 14, 2019 as presented.
The motion by Terry Knoll, supported by Rose Dillon, was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented with the following addition:
New Business- Item J: Annexation discussion
1. Brian Michelli reported that the weather in the previous weeks had led to very busy Public Safety Departments; Fruitport Public Safety Departments participated in Night to Shine event at the Lakes Church.
2. Ron Langlois reported that the power outages led to the sewer lift stations needing to be pumped manually; Report of total gallons of water used by Fruitport in 2018 was 410,000,078.
3. Senator Jon Bumstead will be holding office hours at Fruitport Township Hall on February 22, 2019; A worker’s comp report was shared and all departments had excellent results reported; Fruitport High School will be offering a guided tour of the new high school building project on Monday, March 4th @7pm; New assessing reform has been established; Senior Resources will be holding community forums to get input regarding the next three-year area plan; the US Census Bureau is beginning to ramp up preparations for the 2020 Census.
18-163 Sheringer Park Discussion
This topic was delayed until Attorney’s arrival.
The Planning Commission had questions regarding 3 things:
• If the Planning Commission approves the site plan as is, would the Township Board be required to provide the extra funding needed to complete the park?
–Attorney’s response: No, the Parks Committee has the responsibility to plan for and maintain the Township parks and would be responsible to find funding if above and beyond the budget that is given by Township Board. The Township Board also has the authority to dictate which projects are completed with funds given by the Township Board/General Fund.
• The phasing was not done as anticipated.
• Can the use of the park be limited until adequate parking is in place for the use of each field?
–Attorney’s response: It is the Planning Commission’s responsibility to ensure zoning ordinance and land use procedures are followed. Do they comply with the zoning ordinance for parking availability? It is determined that they do comply.
The topic of Sheringer Park will return to the Planning Commission at their next meeting.
18-164 Community Life Saving Award
Luke Anhalt, a student at Calvary Christian School, collapsed on the basketball court, in cardiac arrest, when his coaches took action calling 911 and putting the on-site AED to work.
The Public Safety Director introduced the team of people who played a part in saving Luke that day, including coaches, the 911 Dispatcher on the line, Fruitport Firefighters, Fruitport Police, and Paramedics.
Presentation of Life Saving Awards to coaches Jeffery Zehr and Mike Harris for their efforts in saving the life of Luke Anhalt on December 13, 2018.
18-165 Platinum Pines Development Agreement
An agreement was approved by the previous administration, however it was never executed. Minor changes have been made to the original agreement.
The motion by Jeff Jacobs, seconded by Greg Hulka, was carried unanimously, to adopt the Platinum Pine Development Agreement as presented and authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to sign on behalf of the Township.
18-166 Drain Assessments
This topic was delayed until the Attorney’s arrival.
The Treasurer inquired if it would be in the Township’s best interest to borrow funds at a lower interest rate to pay off drain assessments assessed by the County Drain Commissioner. The Attorney shared that the money it would cost the Township to do such a transfer would not make it monetarily worth doing the transaction, and such small bonds would be difficult to sell. The Township will continue paying the assessments as usual.
18-167 Approval to purchase extrication tools
A current set of extrication equipment that is 42 years old is in need of $2,000 in repairs. Norton Shores Fire Department has an 8 year old set of extrication tools for sale for $12,500.
Terry Knoll moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to authorize the Public Safety director to purchase a complete set of extrication tools from the Norton Shores Fire Department in the amount of $12,500. The purchase was recommended by the Public Safety Committee and the City of Norton Shores has allowed the purchase to be split over this fiscal year and the next.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: None
18-168 DPW Director evaluation and contract renewal
The Supervisor reported on the performance review of the DPW Director, Ron Langlois.
A 3% salary increase was requested.
Greg Hulka moved, supported by Jeff Jacobs, MOTION CARRIED, to increase the salary of the DPW Director, Ron Langlois, 3% to $77,445 and extend his contract with changes as presented for one year.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: None
18-169 Public Safety Director evaluation and contract renewal
The Supervisor reported on the performance review of Public Safety Director, Brian Michelli.
Requested changes include a 1.5% salary increase, a $1,350 signing bonus, and 5 oil changes per year for Brian’s personal vehicle.
Jeff Jacobs moved, supported by Terry Knoll, MOTION CARRIED, to increase the salary of the Public Safety Director, Brian Michelli, 1.5% to $94,090 and extend his contract with changes as presented for one year.
Ayes: Knoll, Jacobs, Anderson, Tice, Dillon, Hulka
Nays: None
18-170 Performance Resolution for Government Agencies
An updated resolution needs to be competed in order to move forward with the Motion Dynamics sanitary sewer project.
The motion by Jeff Jacobs, seconded by Andrea Anderson, was carried unanimously, to approve the resolution to be sent to MDOT.
18-171 Business Registration discussion
Information was shared regarding a proposed business registration. The Attorney was asked to take the information and put into ordinance form. The Board was asked to review the information and bring thoughts and suggestions to the next meeting.
18-172 Budget Amendments
Andrea Anderson moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the budget amendments as presented.
Ayes: Hulka, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none
18-173 Annexation discussion
The City of Muskegon has requested that Fruitport Township annex land that they are purchasing from the State of Michigan (previously used by the Prison system). Options were discussed. The topic will return to the next meeting.
18-174 Payment of bills
Jeff Jacobs moved, Terry Knoll seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $92,298.28; Public Safety $39,741.98; Water $76,962.52; Sewer $18,723.54; T&A $13,159.00
Totaling: $240,885.32
Ayes: Hulka, Dillon, Tice, Anderson, Jacobs, Knoll
Nays: none
1. Heidi Tice shared that Muskegon Central Dispatch has requested the 911 surcharge be placed on the May 2019 ballot. Shawn Grabinski was present to answer questions.
***Attorney arrived, delayed topics proceeded***
1. Rick Tice commented that the Cemetery mausoleum roof may contain asbestos, be weary if repairs are done.
The motion by Terry Knoll, supported by Heidi Tice, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 9:49pm.