from the Family Research Council –
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April 03, 2019 – Democrats might not lift a finger to help a newborn, but when it comes to kittens? They pounce. Just two weeks after Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) party started crusading to end cat abuse, the USDA had good news. A policy of humane treatment is now in full effect — just not, unfortunately, for children.
While Democrats cheered the announcement, 197 Republicans were marching down the House floor to try to get Pelosi’s party to give the same protection to human infants. Even Tuesday, after 25 tries, only two Democrats — Reps. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) and Ben McAdams (D-Utah) — had the moral clarity and courage to sign on to the discharge petition that would force the House to go on the record about the practice of killing innocent babies. Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up!
Even the Democrats’ statements were shockingly tone-deaf. While the GOP scrambled to find liberals with the decency to fight infanticide, Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) praised the government for ending the brutality against cats. “I commend the USDA for their decision to end this type of testing on kittens,” he said with absolutely no sense of irony. “They listened to the people and responded appropriately to our concerns. This is how our institutions, our government, and our democracy should work.”
Just replace the word “kittens” with “newborns,” and you’ll see how indefensible the Left’s position on infanticide sounds. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), the Senate sponsor of the bill, argued, “The KITTEN Act will protect these innocent animals from being needlessly euthanized… and make sure that they can be adopted by loving families instead.” Now imagine him saying, “The [Born-alive Survivors Protection Act] will protect these innocent [infants] from being needlessly [killed]… and make sure they can be adopted by loving families instead.”
Unfortunately, that’s the duplicity of the Left. They worry about the humane treatment of pets only to turn around and lobby for newborns to be killed on a table. At least KITTEN cosponsor Brian Mast (R-Fla.) has the dignity to oppose all kinds of violence. He may have championed the cats, but he also signed the discharge petition.
Making the story even more incredible, the USDA points out in its statement that it’s in the process of adopting “these 14 cats.” Democrats complain that there aren’t enough abortion survivors to worry about, but they started a national campaign based on a handful of animals? There are literally hundreds of infants being thrown out like garbage every year — a fact we know thanks to eye witnesses like Jill Stanek. When the CDC says there were 143 cases of babies born alive between 2002-14, the agency is only basing that number on the reports from six states! Factor in the other 44 — and the hundreds of undocumented “snippings” by monsters like Kermit Gosnell and Douglas Karpen — and we’re talking about entire schools of born children disappearing because Democrats won’t act. Maybe if they started meowing, liberals would care.