Fruitport Village Regular Council Meeting Minutes – 07/15/19

JULY 15TH, 2019

1. Call to Order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6:58pm

2. Pledge

3. Prayer

4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Carl Rothenberger, Bill Overkamp, Donna Pope, Jeff Guiles, Amy Haack, Jay Bolt and Ann LaCroix.

5. Approve the agenda for the July 15th Council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the July 15th agenda, supported by Jeff. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

6. Approval of the June 15th and June 24th Council meeting minutes
Motion made by Carl to approve the June 15th council meeting minutes, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Motion made by Amy to approve the Special Council meeting minutes, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

7. Public Comment

8. Correspondence
Ann advised that Rose Dillon has provided copies of the time capsule burial ceremony flier and wooden nickels and coins from the 1969 celebration for each council member. Ann also advised that a representative from the U.S. Census office stopped by and said that there will be field workers in the Village this August doing pre-work. The representative is also available to come to a council meeting to share census information and how to encourage participation.

9. Reports from Officers
Donna reported that the Library is doing well.
Jeff advised he is waiting on callbacks from concrete companies to get bids for sidewalks.
Carl had nothing to report.
Jay advised the Planning Commission Public Hearing is this Thursday night at the DPW garage. The hearing is to review the proposed changes to the Land Use Code and Zoning Map.
Bill suggested that we ask Margo to work more weekends at the boat launch since it has been very busy on the weekend due to other launches being closed.
Roger stated in June; the Village of Fruitport Council voted to levy 7 mills for general operating funds for fiscal year 2019/2020. This is an increase of 1.5 mills above the existing 5.5 millage rate. The increase in mills will help fund future infrastructure and park improvement projects. This will cost an average household an additional $90 annually and will add approximately $55,000 annually to the general operating funds budget of the Village of Fruitport.
Roger agreed with Bill and explained that Margo the boat launch attendant has already used 33 of the 40 approved on call hours. Roger advised that she has sold 22 annual passes and that the boat launch has already generated $5700.00 more in permit sales than this time last year. Roger would like an additional 40 hours of on call time for the boat launch attendant. Motion made by Donna to approve an additional 40 hours of on call time for the boat launch attendant, supported by Bill.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Bolt, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
Roger also gave advised the new flail mower has been ordered.
Amy advised that the new Park Rules and Dog signs have been ordered and should be completed in the next couple of weeks. The dog waste stations have been delivered. Once the signs are done the DPW will install the signs and stations in the park.
Amy met with Dr. Reyburn regarding the property near the DPW garage that was discussed in the last council meeting. Dr. Reyburn discussed donating the property to Fruitport Schools.
Amy stated she met with the DNR coordinator regarding our application for the kayak launch grant. They met at the proposed launch site. Things went well and if our application moves forward additional information will probably be required. Amy also took a friend/colleague to the new park property to review information and get a rough estimate for the cost of a boardwalk.

10. Fruitport Village Recreation Plan Public Visioning Session
Amy explained that an excellent job was done on our current Community Recreation Master Plan, however, we must update it every 5 years to keep it current. Amy introduced Stephen Carlson from West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC) to discuss updating the current plan. Stephen explained the WMSRDC assists communities that need help in their planning. The current Recreation Master Plan needs to be updated by February 1st to qualify for grants in the next grant cycle. The existing plan is very well done but needs public opinion on what is there and what the community wants to see. Stephen asked everyone to break up into several small groups and answer 4 survey questions. After the groups answered the questions the information was collected by Stephen. He explained that the Village will be accepting additional input from resident and that there will be a Council Goals & Objectives Work Session on August 12th to review the information from the community.

11. Planning Commission’s Proposed Zoning Map
Jay advised that at the May 16th Planning Commission meeting the Planning Commission determined the changes that they would like to present to council regarding the Zoning Map. Jay discussed the suggested changes to the map. The new map has 5 Zoning Districts including a Mobil Home Community. Amy questioned if the mobile home district was discussed with our attorney and asked Jay if he was expecting this to be presented at the next council meeting. Jay advised the attorney was emailed the information and yes, he is looking for a decision at the next council meeting. Jay advised that the Public Hearing for the proposed updates to the Land Use Code and Zoning Map is this Thursday, July 18th at the DPW Garage, 7pm.

12. 2020 3rd Avenue Project
Roger referred the council to the schedule for the 2020 3rd Avenue Project provided by Prein and Newhof. He advised earlier in the meeting that Prein and Newhof have completed some field work for sidewalk ramps and catch basin locating. They will be sending a list of questions to us shortly that will need to be answered. They have also been working through construction phasing/detour routes.

13. Pomona Park Sign and Marquee
Roger asked council to look at the sign in their packet. It was a drawing done by Compass Design. Compass Design needs more direction from the council on what they would like before giving a quote. He would be able to use our old marquee if it becomes available. Roger also referred council to a quote for a new marquee. Compass Design suggested using Allsigns, LLC and so did our DPW Supervisor. Carl asked for 2 more quotes for the Marquee.

14. Sidewalks
Jeff stated he is waiting on callbacks from concrete companies regarding quotes for sidewalks.

15. Exploration of Horizon Community Planning
Amy directed the council to information in their packet for Horizon Community Planning. Amy has contacted David Jirousek to see if he would be interested in working with the Village of Fruitport on Planning projects. He is interested in working with the Village. Amy suggested a meet and greet with David. She will email council to set up a date for those interested in attending.

16. Sink hole on Beech between 7th & 8th
Roger advised that Justin is working with 3 contractors on getting quotes for repairing the sink hole.

17. Public Comment
Amy thanked everyone for coming and participating in the Visioning Session.

18. Warrants
Donna made a motion to approve the warrants, supported by Bill.
Roll call AYES: Pope, Haack, Bolt, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt

19. Adjournment
Motion made by Donna to adjourn at 8:23pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix