September Parks Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2020
Call to order: 18:11
Attending: Ken Hulka, Marjorie Nash, Ross Spyke, Jeff Widmayer, Travis Nadeau arrive short after start.
Not in attendance: Karen Johnson
Updates from Ken:
Sheringer Park
• Sprinkling schedule adjusted to split water between days when the fields do not see heavy use. Also, the schedule has been moved to a PM timeframe
• The golf cart battery for the line painter was not charging, so a new one was ordered. Rose ordered a new battery, but lining for the season cannot be completed until it is received
• Travis informed Ken there was a dead spot in the grass and a hole that need attention. Ken was going to have Dean look into it
• Weeds around the gravel parking area need to be addressed as they are becoming unsightly
Pine Park
• Football field saw some heavy usage by an unknown group
• Eagle Scout completed sidewalk project to allow additional access
Farr Park
• Nothing significant to report.
• Well fixed and water sampling occurring
Other Business:
• Dean will most likely be on full time until mid- to end of November
• Pine Park and Sheringer Park both need paved parking lots to be seal coated
–Ken to get quotes as requested
• Ken will get quotes on paving the either of the gravel parking lots at the Sheringer Park complex as requested
Motion to adjourn made by Jeff, second by Travis
Meeting adjourned 19:00