Fruitport Township Board Meeting Minutes – 03/28/22


A work session of the Fruitport Charter Township Board began at 6:00pm on Monday, March 28, 2022, in the township board room.

Members Present: Todd Dunham, Supervisor; Andrea Anderson, Clerk; Rose Dillon, Treasurer; Trustees Jim Fichtel, Greg Hulka, Terry Knoll, David Markgraf
Members Absent: none

At 7:02pm, Todd Dunham opened the regular meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Also Present: 8- residents; 9- employees; 0- guests; Director of Public Utilities, Steve Biesiada; Public Safety Director, Brian Michelli; Attorney, Ron Bultje.

The motion by Rose Dillon, seconded by Terry Knoll was carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of March 14, 2022.

The motion by Andrea Anderson, seconded by Todd Dunham was carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented.


  1. Steve Biesiada reported that the DPW is testing the main that was installed for phase 2 of Odeno; Harmony Lake is in progress; getting water main and parts is becoming more difficult with supply shortages.
  2. Brian Michelli reported that equipment and parts are becoming harder to get; the new police cruiser is in service; the new fire pickup truck is at Emergency Services being outfitted.


  1. Sara Evans, President of the Fury Soccer Club, thanked the Board for the consideration of funds for the completion of Sheringer Soccer Park.
  2. Angela Walachovic, employee, asked what was used for comparison when completing a wage study for the SEIU agreement.
  3. Ryan O’Neal, Parks Commissioner, shared that he would like to see the completion of Sheringer Soccer Park.


22-024 2022/2023 Budget Discussion
Discussion of the proposed budget occurred.


22-025 SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement
The Attorney presented several areas of concern with the proposed agreement.

The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Jim Fichtel, was carried unanimously, to TABLE the SEIU labor agreement.

22-026 DPW Director Employment Contract Renewal
Steve’s annual review was presented. A 2% salary increase is requested.

Rose Dillon moved, Greg Hulka seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to increase the salary of the DPW Director, Steve Biesiada, 2% to $74,284.56 and extend his contract 1 year.

Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: none

22-027 Approval to Hire Deputy Police Chief and Contract Approval
Current Deputy Police Chief, Jeff Whelan, will be transitioning to a part-time position at the desk and evidence room. Greg Poulson has been recommended as the next Deputy Chief.

Requested changes to the contract include a wage increase from $27.87/hr to $40/hr and 56 hours of vacation as recommended by the Public Safety Committee. Greg will work 56 hours bi-weekly.

Terry Knoll moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve the hire of Greg Poulson as Deputy Police Chief and approve his contract for one year as presented.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: Hulka

22-028 Public Safety Director Employment Contract Renewal
Requested changes include a 3% salary increase and changes in regards to insurance including an additional 4 years of health insurance coverage for his spouse beyond his reaching Medicare eligible age post-retirement should he change his retirement age from 55 to 58.

Terry Knoll moved, Rose Dillon seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to increase the salary of the Public Safety Director, Brian Michelli, 3% to $101,773.27, and approve the requested insurance changes, and extend his contract with changes as presented for one year.

Ayes: Fichtel, Dillon, Dunham, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: Hulka, Anderson

22-029 Public Hearing for MDNR Trust Fund Grant Application
The motion by Andrea Anderson, seconded by Terry Knoll, was carried unanimously, to open the MDNR Trust Fund Grant Application Public Hearing at 7:24pm.

(b.) Public Hearing:


  1. Karen Johnson, Parks Commissioner, hopes that the Township will consider giving matching funds for their grant application.
  2. Ross Spyke, Parks Commissioner, shared that the soccer park needs the proposed improvements that include restrooms, concessions, extra parking, and sidewalks.
  3. Ryan O’Neal, Parks Commissioner, shared that the Parks Commission does the work that they do for their love of the community.
  4. Heidi Tice inquired as to why the proposed project is so expensive.
  5. Concerns of vandalism once a building is erected were shared.
  6. Greg Hulka would like to see the project completed.
  7. Andrea Anderson inquired as to if the project could be split over two years and if the same grant opportunity will exist next year.
  8. David Markgraf feels the project could be done at a much reduced cost.

(c.) The motion by Rose Dillon, supported by David Markgraf, was carried unanimously to close the Public Hearing at 7:59pm and return to open session.

22-030 Parks Commission Request for Funds
The Parks Commission has presented a plan to complete Sheringer Soccer Park. They are asking for $220,000 for a 51% match in order to apply for a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant to complete the project.

Rose Dillon moved, seconded by Terry Knoll, MOTION CARRIED, to wait one year until it is clear what the cost will be to fix current storm water drainage concerns in the soccer park.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dillon, Fichtel
Nays: Dunham, Hulka

22-031 Resolution for MDNR Trust Fund Grant Application
Due to the decision above, the resolution was not considered.

22-032 Resolution to Commit Water and Sewer Funds
The Water & Sewer Departments have the need for large capital improvement expenditures over the next several years, including, but not limited to a new backhoe. The have requested that the Board commit remaining balance of Water and Sewer capital outlay for future capital expenses.

Rose Dillon moved, Andrea Anderson seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt the resolution to commit the remaining $25,000 balance of Water fund capital outlay and $2,500 of Sewer fund capital outlay for future capital expenses.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None

22-033 Resolution to Commit Public Safety Fund Balance
The Public Safety Departments have the need for large capital improvement expenditures over the next several years, including, but not limited to equipment and vehicle purchases. They have requested that the Board commit any remaining Public Safety Fund Balance for future capital expenses.

Andrea Anderson moved, Todd Dunham seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt the resolution to commit any remaining Public Safety Fund Balance for future capital expenses.

Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None

22-034 Budget Public Hearing
The motion by Andrea Anderson, seconded by Rose Dillon, was carried unanimously, to open the Budget Public Hearing at 8:10pm.

(b.) Public Hearing: The Supervisor announced the proposed millage rates as follows: General Fund at the millage rate of .9917 mills, Public Safety at 1.50 mills, Police at 1.00 mills, and Street Lights at .40 mills.


  1. Heidi Tice asked questions regarding dental reimbursements, Assessing contracted services, road repair, building repairs, roads, and if the Parks plans to add an additional employee.

(c.) The motion by Andrea Anderson, supported by David Markgraf, was carried unanimously to close the Public Hearing at 8:18pm and return to open session.

22-035 Adoption of 2022/2023 Budget
The budget was agreed upon as presented.

Rose Dillon moved, Andrea Anderson seconded, MOTION CARRIED to adopt the April 1, 2022- March 31, 2023 budget as presented and to approve the Non-Union, Boards, and Administrative Wages, the millage rate, and the millage levies resolution. Fruitport Charter Township Board of Trustees shall cause the listed millages to be levied and collected on all real and personal property within the township upon the 2022 general property tax roll an amount equal to the above shown mills as authorized under state law and approved by the electorate.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None

22-036 Banking and Investing Resolution
Investment opportunities are not limited to those presented, but must comply with the township’s investment policy.

Rose Dillon moved, Terry Knoll, MOTION CARRIED, to adopt the resolution approving the use of financial institutions and investments for the 2022-2023 FY.

Ayes: Fichtel, Hulka, Dillon, Dunham, Anderson, Knoll, Markgraf
Nays: None

22-037 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal
The Township is seeing a 14% increase in costs this year for property and liability insurance due to a 131% five year loss ratio.

The motion by David Markgraf, seconded by Todd Dunham, was carried unanimously, to renew the township’s property and liability insurance renewal and authorize the Clerk to execute the necessary paperwork.

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None

22-038 2022/2023 Public Meeting Schedule
The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by Rose Dillon, was carried unanimously, to adopt the schedule of public meetings for the 2022-2023 fiscal year as presented.

22-039 Payment of Bills
Terry Knoll moved, David Markgraf seconded, MOTION CARRIED, to approve bills as presented for payment in the following amounts: General Fund $31,119.44; Public Safety $28,450.78; Water $10,494.49; Sewer $18,770.38; Trust & Agency $6,797.00; Street Lights $0.00
Totaling: $95,632.09

Ayes: Markgraf, Knoll, Anderson, Dunham, Dillon, Hulka, Fichtel
Nays: None



  1. Heidi Tice would like to see any budget surplus at the end of the fiscal year go toward roads and OPEB.
  2. Kendra Robinson introduced herself as a Fruitport resident and candidate for 14th Circuit Court Judge.

The motion by Terry Knoll, seconded by David Markgraf, was carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm.