Ottawa County to Break Ground on New Family Justice Center

Architect Rendering

Ottawa County officials are set to break ground on the new Family Justice Center with a ceremony on June 9 at 10 a.m. The new 56,000-square-foot facility will bring all of the departments of the 20th Circuit Court’s Family Division under one roof on the West Olive campus. This includes Juvenile Court, Friend of the Court and other related offices to provide coordinated and centralized services to residents.

Date, time and location of groundbreaking ceremony:

  • Thursday, June 9, 10-11 a.m.
  • Ottawa County Fillmore Complex, Parking Lot C

Ottawa County awarded the project as an Integrated Project Delivery agreement with Granger Construction, DLZ Michigan, Steel Supply & Engineering, Allied Mechanical Systems, Buist Electric and Accurate Controls. Including designers, contractors and key subcontractors in early project planning is intended to keep costs on target, incentivize savings and result in a well-designed and thoughtfully-constructed facility. 

Facilities studies dating as far back as 2006 had identified inadequacies in the court facilities in West Olive including insufficient courtroom space and acoustics; lack of privacy for clients and attorneys; no separate waiting spaces for victims or witnesses; lack of ADA compliant restrooms; and other shortcomings.

The anticipated completion date of the new Family Justice Center is Spring 2024.