RLM PAC Rescinds Endorsements of 2 State House Reps

Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee Rescinds Endorsements of Two State House Representatives Following Vote for Sweeping Repeal of 1931 Abortion Law

Two First-Term Legislators Failed to Act Consistent with their Commitments to both the Right to Life of Michigan PAC and Prolife Voters Across the State; Neglect Duty to Preserve Reasonable Protections Permitted Under Proposal 3 and In Place Under Roe v. Wade

On March 7th, 2023, the Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee (RLM-PAC) announced it has rescinded the endorsements of two first-term state elected officials after their March 2 votes to pass a sweeping repeal of the 1931 abortion law. State Representative Donni Steele of the 54th District and State Representative Thomas Kuhn of the 57th District voted with proabortion Democrats to repeal MCL 750.14, better known as the 1931 abortion law. This law has been in place and partially effective even under Roe v. Wade, containing critical portions that remain constitutional in the wake of Proposal 3.

Proposal 3 states that “the state may regulate the provision of abortion care after fetal viability.” The 1931 abortion law is the only abortion statute that currently regulates post-viable abortions.

Prior to being endorsed by the RLM-PAC, all candidates complete a questionnaire and interview with a panel of local prolife volunteers. A large part of the process focuses on whether the candidate will uphold Michigan’s current prolife laws. By voting to repeal our current abortion law and thus legalize the abortion of children fully capable of living outside the womb, they have broken their pre-election promise to uphold human dignity. For this reason, the RLM-PAC Board has rescinded the previous endorsements of both Representative Kuhn and Representative Steele.

Furthermore, RLM-PAC sincerely thanks each of the 50 Representatives who held firm and voted against House Bill 4006.

Going forward, RLM-PAC will continue to support those individuals who are dedicated to upholding the right to life of all innocent Michiganders and looks forward to the day when basic human rights are once again protected in law.