Business and Finance Committee, Tuesday August 13, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Superintendent’s Office

Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Kris Cole, Dave Hazekamp, Jason Kennedy, Elroy Buckner, Jessica Wiseman, and Mark Mesbergen

  1. Garage Lifts
    Mark discussed the RFP and the one response that we received to replace our current lifts at the bus garage. The bid was to replace our current in ground lifts in two bays (includes the concrete work to fill in the holes) to lifts that are portable. Our current lifts are 20 years old and need to be replaced. The Building and Site funds will be used to pay for the lifts.
  2. Collective Bargaining Tentative Agreements
    Mark gave an update on the tentative agreements that were on the Personnel Committee. He discussed the financial impact of those agreements.
  3. Other – Van with wheelchair lift
    Mark presented a price on a van with a wheelchair lift. We currently have a student that will attend CTC in the afternoon that needs a wheelchair lift and we do not have a way to get the student from the CTC to the High School. This is due to our 6 special education buses (only buses with a lift) being on the routes at the time in which we would need to pick up the CTC students. The district is recommending to purchase this van using Building and Site Funds.
  4. Other – Board Policy
    Jason gave an update on the board policy updates.

    Meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted by Mark Mesbergen