Student Affairs Committee Monday, September 9, 2024, 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Location:
Fruitport Community Schools Central Office
3255 E. Pontaluna Rd.
Fruitport, MI 49415

The meeting was called to order at 5:34 p.m. with Tim Burgess, Susan Franklin, Dave Hazekamp, and Jason Kennedy present.

  1. Overnight Field Trip Request – The Committee discussed an overnight field trip request from the boys and girls basketball teams to the historic Hoosier Gym in Knightstown, IN on November 22-23, 2024. The teams will use the trip for team building purposes, while also competing in preseason scrimmages. The trip will be funded through fundraising and the internal accounts for each of the basketball programs.
  2. Resolution Agreement: Office for Civil Rights (Website Accessibility) – The Committee discussed a resolution agreement presented to the District by the Office for Civil Rights to resolve a website accessibility complaint filed by an out of state complainant. The agreement would be entered into voluntarily, it would not constitute an admission of liability or non-compliance, and it sets forth improvements that would need to be made to the District’s website to provide accessibility to the District’s public facing website to people with disabilities. The District, and its attorney through SET-SEG, recommend approving the agreement.
  3. Thrun Law Firm July 2024 Policy Updates – The Committee discussed the July 2024 policy update recommendations from Thrun Law Firm. The Committee discussed taking additional time to review the policies in the annual update from Thrun Law Firm due to the extensive changes being recommended for consideration.
  4. Potential May 2025 Bond Proposition – The Committee discussed placing an item on the Board meeting agenda to further discuss the potential May 2025 bond proposition to align with the District’s Master Facilities Plan. The idea of a community survey was presented to help determine how the proceeds of a potential bond should be spent.
  5. Other: The Committee discussed the annual financial audit and the projected ending fund balance.
  6. Public Comment: None
  7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jason Kennedy, Superintendent