APRIL 16, 2018
1. Call to order
President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6:59pm
2. Pledge
3. Prayer
4. Roll call
Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Donna Pope, Amy Haack, Carl Rothenberger and Bill Overkamp who arrived at 7:06pm
Also present: Jeremy Statler DPW Supervisor, Brian Michelli Fruitport Township Safety Directory, And Jay Bolt.
5. Approval of previous meeting minutes from March 19th regular council meeting and March 19th budget meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the minutes from the March 19th regular council meeting, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried. Motion made by Amy to approve the minutes from the March 19th budget meeting, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
6. Approve the agenda for the April 16, 2018 Council meeting
Motion made by Amy to approve the agenda, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
7. Public Comment
8. Correspondence (Ann)
The Lion’s Club Marine Special Event Application and approved Permit has been received for the Fireworks to be held for Old Fashioned Days. Also, the Certificate of Liability Insurance for Old Fashioned Days has been received.
Bill Stone sent in his letter of resignation effective April 5, 2018. Amy made a motion to accept Bill’s resignation, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Governor Snyder signed House Bill 4321 into law that provides an additional funding for transportation projects statewide. The Village received a lump sum of $10,937.46. The council agreed to table discussion on how to allocate these funds.
9. Reports from Officers (Each Council Member)
Donna gave an update on the library. Adam DeWitt is the new Director for the library.
Amy had nothing to report.
Carl gave an update on the motion from last month’s meeting to update Ann’s computer equipment. Ann’s current laptop will not work with a new docking station and new monitor. Carl made a motion to change from the previous request of a docking station and new monitor not to exceed $1,000.00 to a motion to purchase a new desktop computer, keyboard and monitor and any additional equipment or labor fees not to exceed $2,000.00, supported by Amy.
Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger and Overkamp, NAYES: None
Carl advised that the Personnel Committee met and recommend pay increases of 3% for the 2 full-time DPW employees and the clerk/treasurer and a 4% raise for the part-time DPW employee. A discussion took place that the full-time employees may elect to receive a portion of their increase as a contribution to a 403B/457 retirement account. Details of the retirement savings account are being researched. At this point the increases will be paid in wages until it is determined how the plan will work and the interest from the 2 full-time employees. Carl made a motion for raises to be effective April 1, 2018 and that the retirement saving options may be implemented later, supported by Donna.
Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger and Overkamp NAYES: None
Carl discussed possibly updating our phone/fax system. This item will be tabled until the May meeting when he has more information.
The Personnel Committee is currently working on a new Personnel Regulations and Procedures manual.
Carl also distributed a copy of a new Overtime Preapproval form. Motion made by Roger to implement the Overtime Preapproval form retroactive to April 2, 2018, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Carl also advised that the hours for the DPW full-time employees has changed from 7am-3:30pm to 6am-2:30pm with a half hour non-paid lunch. The DPW supervisor is on an approved schedule of 5am-1:30p through April 18th, 2018. Motion made by Carl to accept the new hours as presented, supported by Will. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Will had nothing to report
Roger asked that all council members try to recruit applicants for the open positions on the Council and the Planning Commission.
10. Appointment of Jay Bolt to Council
Roger made a motion to appoint Jay Bolt to the council, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
11. Appointment of Council Liaison to Planning Commission
Roger made a motion to appoint Jay Bolt as the Council Liaison for the Planning Commission, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
12. 270 Pine Presentation (Owner Mark Oldenburg)
Mark Oldenburg distributed a survey, legal description and proposed easement for his property. A discussion took place. Motion made by Roger to refer to our attorney for review of the proposed easement, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
13. Public Safety Director Presentation (Brian Michelli)
Director Michelli explained that there are many speeding and traffic complaints in the Village. The Township is purchasing a Speed and Message Board Trailer. The trailer cost $15,585.00. They have received a grant for $10,500.00 leaving a balance due of $5085.00. He is asking the Village to consider partnering (50-50) with the Township on the cost of the Speed and Message Board Trailer. A discussion took place about the benefits and capabilities of the Speed and Message Board. Motion made by Amy to have the Treasurer investigate and recommend what the budget would allow as a donation towards the Speed and Message Trailer, supported by Donna. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
14. Planning Commission procedure for approving changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Master Plan (Jay Bolt)
Jay discussed the Planning Commission proposed changes and the procedure for the changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Master Plan. Each council member received a copy of the proposed changes to date for their review. Jay stressed that there may be additional changes to what he has to date. The next Planning Commission meeting is on April 24th. Jay also discussed the need for a Change Management process.
The Master Plan Survey has been approved and needs to be distributed to the Community. A discussion took place on the best way to have the surveys distributed. It was decided to recruit 10-12 volunteers to help hand deliver the surveys to the residents on Saturday June 2, 2018 and pick them up the following Saturday June 9, 2018.
15. Approval to add Delinquent Garbage Bills to Taxes
Motion made by Carl to assess all delinquent 2017/2018 garbage service bills and delinquent fees against the premises served and collect in the same manger as other taxes for 2018 are collected, supported by Jay. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
16. New bathroom Partitions Quote
Jeremy discussed 2 bids received for new bathroom partitions for the Men’s restroom at the park. A discussion took place on which bid to accept and if the partitions will be installed by the vendor or DPW crew. Amy made a motion to purchase the men’s bathroom partitions from Architectural Hardware in Muskego at the quoted price of $2,650.00 for materials only and that our DPW staff will install them saving the Village an installation fee of $550.00. Also, that we get confirmation from them that we will receive prior to Old Fashioned Days and to move forward with the Lion’s Club commitment to share in the costs of the new partitions, supported by Carl.
Roll Call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp and Bolt NAYES: None
17. 755 Auction Information
Jeremy discussed the auction process for the 755 tractor. Motion made by Donna to put the 755 tractor up for auction, supported by Will. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
18. Public Comments
19. Warrants
Ann advised that the bill for the Lighting Project was included in the warrants. She advised that the company billed $2498.00 over the original bid. The amount listed in the warrants does not include the overage. She is holding back a retainer until the project is complete. A discussion took place about the amount over the bid. Motion made by Will to approve the warrants, supported by Carl.
Roll call AYES: Vanderstelt, Pope, Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp and Bolt NAYES: None
20. Amy asked to be given admin rights to the Village of Fruitport web-site. Carl made a motion to give Amy admin rights to make changes to the Village of Fruitport web-site, supported by Will. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
21. Adjourn
Motion made by Donna to adjourn at 8:53pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix