Monday, January 13, 2020
5:00 p.m. ~ Superintendent’s Office
Attendance: Dave Hazekamp, Tim Burgess, Mark Mesbergen, Bob Szymoniak
1. Mark presented the plan to contract with the MAISD for payroll services during our current payroll officer’s maternity leave. The Board will be asked to take action on this agreement at their upcoming meeting.
2. Mark discussed various considerations with the 2020-21 school calendar. He is currently in discussions with the FEA and MAISD to develop a mutually beneficial calendar. Of note is that the 2020-21 school year will likely begin before Labor Day, thus creating an earlier end to the school year in June of 2021.
3. The committee was asked to make recommendations of community members to sit on the upcoming facilities committee.
4. An update was given on Social/Emotional Support Team changes. Of note is the change from a shared counselor and social worker who split their time between Beach and Shettler, to hiring two social workers who will not have to travel between the buildings, but can be assigned to one building and better serve those students accordingly.
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bob Szymoniak