DDA Meeting
April 27, 2021
April 27,2021 via Zoom.com Meeting started at 6:13
In attendance & location: Todd Dunham – Fruitport, Tim Reilly – Whitehall, Larry Hall – Grand Haven, Gary Smith – Spring Lake, Randy Klingel – Norton Shores, Heidi Tice – Fruitport, Mark Campbell – Grand rapids, Larry Romanilli – Manistee, Frank Matice – Venice Florida
Absent: Jason Bronhold (may have been present at the beginning could not hear him)
1. Approval of the minutes from March 11, 2021 motion by Heidi second by Frank
a. Roll Call unanimous as follows: Todd – yes, Tim – yes, Larry H – yes, Gary – yes, Randy – yes, Heidi – yes, Mark – yes, Larry R – yes, Frank – yes.
2. Motion to approve Agreement to Share tax Increment Financing Revenue from Muskegon County Millage document. Motion by Gary second by Tim, some of the discussion was as follows:
• Todd reported that the county voted unanimously to opt in on the DDA as presented.
• Mark – How does the dollar amount work? Would we capture more if the project changes or would we have to pay back if no project come in? – was answered once the DDA has captured the 11 million as stated in the proposal the tax would disperse normally to all the taxing entities. Captured monies would stay with the DDA until goals were met.
Roll call: Todd- yes, Tim – yes, Larry R – yes, Larry H – yes. Gary – yes, Heidi – yes, Mark – yes, Frank- yes, Randy – no (motion carried)
3. Presentation of Harmony Lake DDA Development Plan to recommend to the township board:
Much discussion ensued.
• Gary- wanted to know how the project would help Harvey and where the extensions are for water and sewer to help Pontaluna – Larry replied would help mostly Quarterline & Pontaluna and described the boundaries at this time and the proposed additions to the sewer infrastructure as well as over building the infrastructure to service more that just the Harmony Lake Development.
• Randy questioned the demand for this project, would like to see the plan and questioned whether Rose Dillon (township Treasurer) was consulted to help with the projection payback numbers. Todd stated the Planning Commission did approve the site plan and with the DDA being so new he overlooked sending a plan out to this board. They are available at the township. He would talk to Rose.
• Mark made a comment he would also like to see the plan before moving forward on the approval – motion was made by Heidi seconded by Mark to table the vote until next meeting so the DDA board could get time to see the site plan to better determine if the project fits with the DDA overall projects plan.
Roll call unanimously passed: Mark – yes, Todd – yes, Larry R – yes, Larry H -yes, Randy – yes, Gary – yes, Franck – yes, Heidi – Yes.
Next meeting was set for May 5, 2021 6:00 p.m. at the township hall and will be on Zoom.com for those unable to attend in person. It was asked to have the meetings posted on the marquee to get the DDA presence out to the community better. Todd stated he could do that.
Motion by Heidi second by Todd to adjourn
Roll call Todd- yes, Tim – yes, Larry H – yes. Gary – yes. Randy – yes, Heidi – yes, Larry R- yes, Frank – yes.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20