FCS – Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes – 01/10/22

Personnel Committee
Monday, January 10, 2022
4:30 p.m.


Meeting Location:
Fruitport Community Schools Central Office
3255 E. Pontaluna Rd.
Fruitport, MI 49415

Maribeth Clarke, Dave Hazekamp, Steve Kelly, JB Meeuwenberg, and Jason Kennedy

  1. An update was provided to the Committee pertaining to the resignation / termination proceedings of a transportation employee.
  2. An update was provided to the Committee pertaining to the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) issued by OSHA.
  3. An update was provided to the Committee regarding progress on collective bargaining and contract negotiations with the Fruitport Administrator’s Association.
  4. Maribeth provided a review and reading of the Thrun Law Board Policy updates that pertained to the Personnel Committee. A summary of all policy updates will be shared with the Board of Education.
  5. Jason shared that he would be attending the National Conference on Education, sponsored by the American Association of School Administrators (AASA), in Nashville, TN. The dates of the conference are February 17-19, 2022, with travel dates being February 16-19, 2022. As an Executive Board member for the Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators (MASA), MASA has paid for all expenses related to the conference attendance.
  6. Other: Updates from each of the other committee agendas were discussed with the Personnel Committee.
  7. Public Comment: None
  8. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jason Kennedy, Superintendent