Fruitport Village Council Minutes – 01/17/22

JANUARY 17TH, 2022

  1. Call to Order
    President Roger Vanderstelt called the meeting to order at 6pm.
  2. Pledge
  3. Prayer
  4. Roll Call
    Present: Roger Vanderstelt, Carl Rothenberger, Amy Haack, Bill Overkamp, Jeff Guiles and Ann LaCroix.
  5. Approval of January 17th Meeting Agenda
    Motion made by Carl to approve the January 17th meeting agenda, supported by Amy. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
  6. Approval of the December 20th Council meeting minutes
    Motion made by Carl to approve the December 20th council meeting minutes, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.
  7. Public Comment
    Jamie and David Garzelloni, 329 Pine Street addressed council again on water drainage issue in their backyard. They provided pictures and possible solutions to the issue. President Vanderstelt agreed to visit their residence on January 18th to look at the property. Other council members will also go look at the situation.
  8. Correspondence
    Ann advised that she contacted Muskegon County Emergency Management regarding the council representative for the County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Ann said that after discussing it that she should be the representative for the Village. Ann advised that she is working on a grant for electronic speed signs for three locations in the Village. A Zoning Board of Appeals meeting is scheduled for January 27th regarding a variance request for 286 Lake Street. Ann brought up the Rental Inspections. She contacted the Township for guidance on administrating the inspections process. The Township inspections have been on hold since COVID. Ann suggested that the Village waits to send letters and start the program until the Township resumes their inspections. Council agreed.
  9. Reports from Officers
    advised no changes from the Playground Committee, to date we have raised $64.000.00.
    Amy has applied for the Senior Millage for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The funds have been designated for the new handicap parking lot at the park and Dancing into Sunset. Amy gave an update on the kayak launch and advised that West Michigan Dirtworks will start their portion of the project next spring.
    Jeff advised that the speed limit sign on Bridge Street blocks the welcome sign for the Village. Roger will refer the issue to the DPW Supervisor.
    Bill requested that we could change our own email passwords without going through our IT company. Ann will check with the IT representative.
    Carl met with Justin about yearly evaluations. The Personnel Committee will discuss yearly increases after the evaluations are completed.
    Roger had nothing to report.
  10. Abandoned portion of 5th Street
    Ann spoke with our attorney, and he suggested that we put up signs prohibiting vehicle traffic on the abandoned portion of 5th Street. Council agreed and Roger will refer it to the DPW Supervisor to manage.
  11. Handicap Parking Lot
    Roger distributed diagrams regarding the catch basin issue in the proposed parking lot. Council had multiple questions. Roger will invite the engineer to a future meeting.
  12. 7th & Peach
    Roger advised that a survey has been completed at the area. He will update again at a future meeting.
  13. Feeding of Waterfowl
    Amy advised that there are several signs in place about not feeding the waterfowl at the lake.
    No other action will be taken about feeding of waterfowl at this time.
  14. Public Comment
  15. Warrants
    Motion made by Carl to approve the warrants, supported by Bill.
    Roll call AYES: Haack, Rothenberger, Overkamp, Guiles and Vanderstelt.
  16. Adjournment
    Motion made by Amy to adjourn the meeting at 7:09pm, supported by Carl. With a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Ann LaCroix Clerk/Treasurer