5865 Airline Road
Fruitport, MI 49415
Minutes of the April 27, 2021 meeting.
Present: Ross Spyke (commissioner), Ryan O’Neal (commissioner), Richard Riekse (commissioner) and Karen Johnson (commissioner), Ken Hulka (director.)
Absent: Travis Nadeau (commissioner)
The meeting was called to order at 6:07PM.
No public in attendance for comment on agenda items.
Financials: Carryover will be approximately $12,000 and will be listed in Park Improvements.
Attendance at Township Board Meetings:
April 12th –Ryan O’Neal- was asked if we had anything to report
April 26th – Richard Riekse-did not attend. Meeting was cancelled for lack of agenda items.
Last Meeting Follow-up:
Five year rec plan update. An agreement has been signed. They will do an inventory of the parks and an accessibility assessment. The restrooms are compliant. Accessibility to the fields needs some work. Looking at an Eagle Scout to put in a concrete pad near the fields. Surveys will go in the July property tax billing.
New Business:
The electrical repairs needed to the Soccer Park have been completed.
At Pine Park the Hot Dog Machine tripped the GFI breaker. It will be fixed to a 20 amp circuit.
Baseball has filled out the use form.
Old Business:
Sealcoating & restriping the parking lots: $4155 at Pine Park and $6506 at Sheringer Park. It was suggested to chip seal with stone. It will last 10 years.
Next Township Board Meetings are May 10th & May 24th. Items to mention: Birdhouses put in by Eagle Scout, path to fields & clean-up day.
Discussion Items:
Township funds from COVID bill.
Reminder to Rose to send out April financials after month end. (By May 10th?)
Need to put major improvements into the rec plan.
Part timer will start on May 10th.
Farr Park – The back gate will not be unlocked until there is a request to use the park.
Actions items:
Richard Riekse moved and Ryan O’Neal – seconded to approve last month’s minutes.
Travis Nadeau – Absent
Richard Riekse – Yes
Ross Spyke – Yes
Ryan O’Neal – Yes
Karen Johnson – Yes
Minutes approved.
Karen Johnson moved and Richard Rieske – seconded to approve financials.
Travis Nadeau – Absent
Richard Riekse – Yes
Ross Spyke – Yes
Ryan O’Neal – Yes
Karen Johnson – Yes
Financials approved.
Ryan O’Neal moved and Ross Spyke seconded to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 PM.
Next meeting Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 6:00PM at Township Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Johnson